Analysis of secondary endpoints and exploratory endpoints.
A. Kaplan-Meier plot showing time to discharge from hospital from baseline. ITT population. Hazard ratio from Cox proportional hazards model adjusted for baseline CRP, age, sex, BMI, serious comorbidity (Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease of hypertension). P-value from log-rank test. (Blue: HC and participants randomised to BAC, N=69. Pink: participants randomised to BAC+DA, N=30).
B. Kaplan-Meier plot showing time to death over 35 days follow up. ITT population. Hazard ratio from Cox proportional hazards model adjusted for baseline CRP, age, sex, BMI, serious comorbidity (Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease of hypertension). P-value from log-rank test. (Blue: HC and participants randomised to BAC, N=69. Pink: participants randomised to BAC+DA, N=30). Abbreviations: BAC-best available care, CRP-C-reactive protein, DA-dornase alfa, ITT-intention-to-treat.
C. Difference between the lymphocyte count for each day of the treatment period and the baseline in each patient who exhibited lymphopenia at baseline (<1×109 lymphocytes/mL). Mean and 95%CI interval is shown with statistical analysis by two-way Anova.
D. Mean D-dimer levels per day in randomised BAC (blue) and BAC+DA (pink) patients with error bars depicting 95% CI in randomised BAC (blue) and BAC+DA (DA) patients (pink). Statistical difference by by mixed effects Anova analysis.
E. Mean cf-DNA levels per day in randomised BAC (blue) and BAC+DA (pink) patients, with error bars depicting standard deviation. Statistical analysis by mixed effects Anova.
F. Correlation between the final cf-DNA levels and ratio of CRP at day-7 normalized to the baseline CRP (CRPfinal/CRPbaseline) per patient. Fitting by non-linear regression.