Oligomeric structure of CrSBPase.
(A) Asymmetric unit dimer of untreated CrSBPase (7b2o). Chains are represented in cartoon and coloured cyan (chain B) and salmon (chain E). (B) Asymmetric unit homotetramer under reducing treatment (7zuv). Chains A (cyan), C (magenta), F (white), and H (orange) belong to the same asymmetric unit. (C) Close-up view on figure A homodimer interface. Loop 113-ASCAGTAC-120 from chain B (in cyan) is in 5-Å distance of neighbouring chain E (in salmon). C115 and C120 are bonded by a disulfide bridge. (D) Surface representation of 7b2o homodimer, coloured according to conservation score from teal (lowest conservation) to purple (highest conservation) among 150 aligned homologs.