Position and structure of neurite bundles in the mid-body column in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) cross-sections. To facilitate identification, neurites are overlaid in orange-blue-purple, the nerve cell body in red, muscle processes in green, and the mesoglea in yellow. (A) Low magnification of the ectoderm. A nerve cell body (nvb) is directly associated with the muscle processes, and four neurites cut in cross section run parallel to the nerve cell body. An additional neurite bundle containing three neurites with contact to a muscle process is visible to the left of the nerve cell body. (B) Higher magnification image of another bundle of four neurites in contact with and running parallel to muscle processes. (C) Quantitative analysis of the relative amount of neurite bundle complexity using four TEM cross-sections spanning 40 µm in the mid-body column. Analysis included 130 nerve tracks in the ectoderm and 47 nerve tracks in the corresponding endodermal area. In the ectoderm, about 20% of nerve tracks consist of single neurites, about 80% of bundles contain 2-5 neurites. In contrast, about 50% of endodermal nerve tracks consist of single neurites, and about 50% contain two neurites. (D) Cross section of the endoderm showing a single neurite and a bundle with two neurites located at some distance to the basal muscle processes and the mesoglea. (D’) Higher magnification of the endodermal nerve bundle reveals numerous dense core vesicles and mitochondria. Scale bars: (A) 10 µm; (B) and (D) 5 µm; (D’) 2 µm.