Theta-nested gamma oscillations and theta phase reset in response to a single stimulation pulse.
A. Representative example of the network behavior, spontaneously producing theta-nested gamma oscillations and characterized by a reset of the theta phase following a single stimulation pulse (vertical grey line, applied here in CA1 at a theta phase of π/2, i.e. in the middle of the descending slope). Top to bottom: theta rhythm originating from the medial septum and provided as an input to the EC (fe: mean oscillation frequency), instantaneous phase of the theta rhythm, raster plots indicating the spiking activity of CA1 excitatory (blue) and inhibitory (red) neurons (μE and μI: mean flring rates within the shaded area), average population firing rates in CA1 (computed as a windowed moving average with a sliding window of 100 ms with 99% overlap), spectrograms for each CA1 population (windowed short-time fast Fourier transform using a Hann sliding window: 100 ms with 99% overlap). Spectrograms show gamma oscillations (around 60 Hz) modulated by the underlying theta rhythm (~ 4 Hz|), indicating theta-gamma PAC. Theta phase reset after stimulation is associated with a rebound of spiking activity and theta-nested gamma oscillations. B. Power spectral densities of the CA1 firing rates. Theta peaks are found at 4 Hz for excitatory and inhibitory cells. Gamma activity is located between 40 and 80 Hz. C. PAC as a function of theta phase and gamma frequency. The polar plot represents the amplitude of gamma oscillations (averaged across all theta cycles, see methods) at each phase of theta (theta range: 3-9 Hz, phase indicated as angular coordinate) and for different gamma frequencies (radial coordinate, binned in 10-Hz ranges), indicating that gamma oscillations between 40 and 80 Hz occur preferentially around the peak of theta. The MI gives an overall quantification of how the phase of low-frequency oscillations (3-9 Hz) modulates the amplitude of higher-frequency oscillations (40-80 Hz) (see Methods and Figure supplement 2). D. PRC in response to a single stimulation pulse applied in CA1 at various phases of the ongoing theta rhythm and for various stimulation amplitudes (color-coded). The phase difference (left y-axis) shows the theta phase induced by the stimulation pulse (computed 2.5 ms after the pulse), compared to the phase computed at the same time in a scenario without stimulation. Positive and negative phase differences respectively indicate phase advances and delays. The grey trace shows the normalized amplitude of theta (right y axis) for different phases, used to indicate the peak and trough of the rhythm.
Stimulation applied in the ascending slope of theta ([-π, 0]) produced a phase advance and accelerated the rhythm towards its peak (0 radians). Conversely, stimulation during the descending slope ([0, π]) produced a phase delay that slowed down the rhythm. Higher stimulation amplitudes yielded a stronger effect.