Specific stimulation of adolescent frontal dopaminergic axons leads to reversal of both cognitive and psychomotor deficits.
(a) Schematic for labeling dopamine neurons with SSFO and two-photon imaging of frontal cortical activity with GCaMP6. (b) Example traces of spontaneous cortical activity averaged from the whole image frame in control EGFP only (blue) and SSFO (orange) labeled animals before and 30 min after frontal cortical blue light stimulation. (c) SSFO animals show significantly higher change in cortical activity (summarized by the standard deviation of spontaneous activity traces) compared to control EGFP animals after the light activation, suggesting light activation of SSFO expressing dopamine neurons (*p=0.001, t-test, t(8)=5.135, N=5 mice for each group). Cortical activity is summarized by the standard deviation (SD) of the spontaneous activity traces. Activity change is calculated as (SD2-SD1)/SD1, where SD1 is before and SD2 after treatment. (d) Diagram showing procedures for local light activation of frontal dopaminergic projections and Y-maze testing in Arc-/-;TH-Cre mice labeled with SSFO or Ctrl-GFP viruses. Light activation was delivered in adolescence (5 weeks old) once per day for 3 days. Animals were first tested in the Y-maze 1 day after the last light activation and then tested again in the Y-maze at adulthood, followed by an amphetamine induced locomotion test. (e-h) SSFO expressing animals show significantly higher alternation compared to control animals 1 day after light activation e, (*p=0.028, t-test, t(15)=2.440, N=9 EGFP, N=8 SSFO mice, both groups passed Shapiro-Wilk normality test at alph =0.05), with no difference in total entries f. These animals also show higher alternation at adulthood g, (*p=0.015, t-test, t(15)=2.748, EGFP N=9, SSFO N=8, both groups passed Shapiro-Wilk normality test at alpha=0.05) with no difference in total entries h. (i) In Arc-/-;TH-Cre mice that received adolescent frontal light stimulation, amphetamine induced locomotion is significantly reduced at adulthood in SSFO animals compared to GFP-control animals (F(1,14)=5.3, *p=0.037, Two-way ANOVA, N=8 mice per group). All the error bars indicate SEM.