Perk regulates RGC-autonomous transcriptional changes through canonical Atf4 target genes and influence on c-Jun-regulated programs.
(A-B) Volcano plots of Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) implicate Atf4 and c-Jun as potential Upstream Transcriptional Regulators of injury-induced expression changes in (A) wildtype retina, and (B) those whose activity after injury is reduced by neuronal Perk deletion. Red orange, blue, and light blue dots indicate Z>2.5, p<10-13; Z>1.5, p<10-10; Z<-2.5, p<10-13; and Z<-1.5, p<10-10, respectively. (C) Heat map of RNA-seq data, showing known and putative Atf4 target genes after injury in wildtype or cKO retinas. (D-F) Linear regression analyses comparing current whole retina RNA-seq cKO data to published data from a similarly designed experiment (Syc-Mazurek et al, 2022). Data from that independent study is indicated on the y-axis by &. (D) Strong correlation among 282 injury-responsive transcripts in the respective wildtype injury conditions between these two independent studies. Names of representative Atf4-dependent transcripts are burnt orange text and representative Chop-dependent transcripts are gold text. (E-F) Significant correlations between the impacts of (H) neuronal Perk, or (I) Atf4 conditional knockout (this study) and deletion of c-Jun from the majority of neural retina& (p<0.001). (J) Cross-study comparison of Ddit3 cKO (this study) and Ddit3 KO& shows strong correlation between the few Chop-dependent injury-responsive transcripts (red dots). (G) Volcano plot of retinal expression data three days after optic nerve crush (this study) for 597 transcripts that are significantly altered in RGCs at day 2 or day 4 after crush, as determined by scRNA-seq (Tran et al., 2019). 287 of these transcripts are detected at FDR<0.05 (red, upregulated, or blue, downregulated) or |log2FC|>0.25 (light red, upregulated, or light blue, downregulated) in whole retina. Only three transcripts (yellow dots) were significantly regulated in whole retina in the discordant direction from scRNA-seq findings. (H) scRNA-seq data set (Tran et al., 2019) reveals RGC-autonomous activation of canonical ISR transcripts. Dot plot at 2 and 4 days after injury, showing both pan-RGC and type-specific upregulation of transcripts demonstrated by whole retina RNA-seq to be Atf4- and/or Chop-dependent. Notably, some transcripts exhibiting low, non-uniform, injury induction in RGCs – Avil, Gm29374, Cdsn, and Fibin – were amongst those that appear to exhibit potential Chop-dependence but failed to reach threshold for inclusion in either retinal injury-dependence, Chop-dependence, or scRNA-seq pseudo-bulk analyses. Conversely, Stk32a, the lone Chop-dependent transcript reported by Ddit3 knockout but not neuronal Ddit3 cKO is not regulated by injury within RGCs, suggesting non-autonomous modulation of this transcript by Chop in retina.