H3K9me3 foci analysis in Smarcad1 and Topbp1 knockdown ESCs, 2C- and 2C+ cells.
(A) qRT-PCR of Smarcad1 and Topbp1 in Smarcad1 knockdown (shSmarcad1), Topbp1 knockdown (shTopbp1 #1 and shTopbp1 #2) and control scramble (shScbl) ESCs. Data are presented as mean ± SD (n = 3 independent experiments). P = 0.0268*, P = 0.0010**, P = 0.0020** by one-way ANOVA (Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test). (B) Quantification of the number of H3K9me3 foci in shScbl, shSmarcad1, shTopbp1 #1 and shTopbp1 #2 ESCs. Data are presented as scatter dot plots with line at median ± interquartile range (n > 3 independent cultures; shScbl = 90 cells, shSmarcad1 = 25 cells, shTopbp1 #1 = 81 cells and shTopbp1 #2 = 22 cells). P = 0.0009***, P = 0.0217*, P < 0.0001**** by Mann-Whitney test. (C) Quantification of H3K9me3 foci area in shScbl, shSmarcad1, shTopbp1 #1 and shTopbp1 #2 ESCs. Data are presented as scatter dot plots with line at median ± interquartile range (n > 3 independent cultures; shScbl = 1241 foci, shSmarcad1 = 281 foci, shTopbp1 #1 = 1004 foci and shTopbp1 #2 = 225 foci). P = 0.0016**, P = 0.2260ns, P = 0.0103* by Mann-Whitney test. (D) Representative immunofluorescence images of H3K9me3 and the 2C::EGFP reporter during the ESCs to 2C+ reprogramming in Smarcad1 knockdown (shSmarcad1), Topbp1 knockdown (shTopbp1 #1 and shTopbp1 #2) and control scramble (shScbl) cells. Scale bar, 2 μm. (E) Representative immunofluorescence images of H3K9me3, SMARCAD1 and the 2C::EGFP reporter during the 2C+ exit (24 h, 48 h and 72 h) in Topbp1 knockdown (shTopbp1 #1) and control scramble (shScbl) cells. Scale bar, 5 μm. (F) Quantification of the number of H3K9me3 foci in 2C+ cells in shScbl and shTopbp1 #1 (shTop#1) samples at 0 h, 24 h, 48 h and 72 h after 2C-like state exit. Data are presented as scatter dot plots with line at median ± interquartile range (n = 2 independent cultures; shScbl 0 h = 49 cells, shTop#1 0 h = 30 cells, shScbl 24 h = 13 cells, shTop#1 24 h = 12 cells, shScbl 48 h = 18 cells, shTop#1 48 h = 48 cells, shScbl 72 h = 83 cells, shTop#1 72 h = 515 cells). P = 0.0086**, P = 0.1546ns, P < 0.0001****, P < 0.0001**** by Mann-Whitney test. (G) Quantification of H3K9me3 foci area in 2C+ cells in shScbl and shTopbp1 #1 (shTop#1) samples at 0 h, 24 h, 48 h and 72 h after 2C-like state exit. Data are presented as scatter dot plots with line at median ± interquartile range (n = 2 independent cultures; shScbl 0 h = 342 foci, shTop#1 0 h = 304 foci, shScbl 24 h = 481 foci, shTop#1 24 h = 158 foci, shScbl 48 h = 537 foci, shTop#1 48 h = 271 foci, shScbl 72 h = 2634 foci, shTop#1 72 h = 3477 foci). P = 0.1037ns, P = 0.0163*, P = 0.0002***, P < 0.0001**** by Mann-Whitney test.