Evaluation of separated signals on the synthetic dataset.
a, The temporal neuronal activity of raw signals (the purple line) of an example test trial, which is decomposed into relevant (b) and irrelevant (c) signals. b, Relevant signals (red lines) extracted by d-VAE under three distillation cases, where bold gray lines represent ground truth relevant signals. The hyperparameter a is very important to extracting behaviorally-relevant signals, which balances the trade-off between reconstruction loss and decoding loss. Results show that when a = 0.09, the relevant signals are too similar to raw signals but not similar to ground truth; when a = 0.9, the relevant signals are well similar to the ground truth; when a = 9, the relevant signals are not similar to the ground truth. c, Same as b, but for irrelevant signals (blue lines). Notably, when a = 9, some useful signals are left in irrelevant signals. d, The decoding R2 of distilled relevant signals of three cases. Error bars indicate mean ± s.d. across five cross-validation folds. Results demonstrate that decoding R2 increases as a increases. e, Same as d, but for irrelevant signals. Notably, when a = 9, irrelevant signals will contain large behavioral information. f, The neural similarity between relevant and raw signals. Results show that the neural R2 decreases as a increases. g, The neural R2 between relevant signals and the ground truth of relevant signals. Results show that d-VAE can utilize a proper trade-off to extract effective relevant signals that are similar to the ground truth. h, The neural R2 between irrelevant signals and the ground truth of irrelevant signals. Results show that d-VAE can utilize a proper trade-off to remove effective irrelevant signals that are similar to the ground truth. i, The decoding R2 between true velocity and predicted velocity of raw signals (purple bars with slash lines), the ground truth signals (gray) and behaviorally-relevant signals obtained by d-VAE (red), PSID (pink), pi-VAE (green), TNDM (blue), and LFADS (light green). Error bars denote mean ± standard deviation (s.d.) across five cross-validation folds. Asterisks represent significance of Wilcoxon rank-sum test with *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01. j, Same as i, but for irrelevant signals. k, The neural R2 between generated relevant signals and raw signals. l, Same as k, but for the ground truth of relevant signals.