The microscopic epistasis model
(A) The fitness of a given strain is defined by its genotype α ∈ {±1}L. Each gene i contributes αihi independent of the background genotype and an epistatic contribution due to its interaction with all other genes. The hi and Jij values are drawn randomly, and the relative magnitudes of the two contributions can be tuned by adjusting a parameter β ∈ [0, 1]. Each gene interacts, on average, with a fraction ρ of other genes. The fitness landscape is thus described by a disordered network, here shown for L = 250 and ρ = 0.05, with color indicating magnitude and connectivity demonstrating the sparsity pattern of the Jij. (B) A typical hill-climbing trajectory with both clonal interference (µ = 2 × 10−4) and microscopic epistasis (β = 0.5). Replicate trajectories are displayed in low opacity, while the mean over all replicates is shown in open circles with error bars depicting the standard error of the mean. The mean fitness is consistent with a power-law relaxation with exponent c ≈ 0.575 (solid). The inset displays the trajectory (dashed) and the best-fit power law (solid, shifted for visual clarity) on a log-log scale. (C) As β is increased, the epistatic contribution becomes more significant, and the landscape smoothly becomes more rugged. (D) As the mutation rate increases, the magnitude of clonal interference can be smoothly tuned.