Perturbing levels of CAV1 affects the mechanical phenotype of intestine carcinoma cells. (A) CAV1 levels in small-cell (ECC4) and adenocarcinoma (TGBC) cell lines from intestine. (B to D) Mechanical phenotype of ECC4 and TGBC cells measured with RT-DC (B, as in Fig. 2B), AFM indentation (C), and AFM microrheology (D). (E) Verification of CAV1 knock-down in TGBC cells using two knock-down system: three esiRNA constructs (esiCAV1-1. esiCAV1-1, and esiCAV1-3 with rLuc as a control), and pooled siRNA mixture (CAV1-pool with non-targeting mixture (nonT) as a control). (F to H) Mechanical phenotype change of TGBC cells upon CAV1 knock-down as measured by RT-DC (F), AFM indentation (G), and AFM microrheology (H). (I) Verification of transient CAV1 overexpression in ECC4 and TGBC cells. (J) Mechanical phenotype change of ECC4 and TGBC cells upon CAV1 overexpression as measured by RT-FDC. Gating for fluorescence positive and negative cells based on dTomato expression in ECC4 (top) and TGBC (bottom) cells (left-hand side). Fluorescence positive cells correspond to cells expressing CAV1-IRES-dTomato (CAV1iT). For comparison, mock transfection sample is shown in the background (mock). Apparent Young’s modulus changes of ECC4 and TGBC cells upon CAV1 overexpression (right-hand side). CAV1iT- and CAV1T+ are dTomato negative and positive cells, respectively. For protein quantification in (A), (E), and (I), representative Western blots (top) as well as quantification of specified replicate numbers N (bottom) are shown. In (B), (F) and (J), horizontal lines delineate medians with mean absolute deviation (MAD) as error, datapoints represent medians of N experiment replicates, statistical analysis was performed using generalized linear mixed effects model. In (C) and (G), box plots spread from 25th to 75th percentiles with a line at the median, whiskers span 1.5 × interquartile range (IQR), individual datapoints correspond to values obtained for n individual cells, statistical analysis was performed using two sample two-sided Wilcoxon rank sum test. In (D) and (H), datapoints correspond to means ± standard deviation of all measurements at given oscillation frequencies for n cells. Lines connecting datapoints serve as guides for the eye. E – apparent Young’s modulus, G* – complex shear modulus, ΔE – apparent Young’s modulus change relative to respective control measurements. In (E), (F), (I), and (J), the symbol shapes represent matching experiment replicates.