Emx1Cre drives recombination in forebrain excitatory neurons and astrocytes, but not interneurons or microglia.
(A) Left; endogenous red fluorescence in the forebrain of P60 Emx1Cre;R26LSL-H2B-mCherryreporter mice (scale bar = 1mm). Right; coronal section of the forebrain from Emx1Cre;R26LSL-H2B-mCherrymice showing robust nuclear mCherry signal (magenta) in the cortex and hippocampus (scale bar = 500μm). (B-E) mCherry+ nuclei shown with markers of multiple cell types in the brain including astrocytes (GFAP, green) (B), microglia (Iba1, green) (C), and neurons (NeuN, green) (D) (scale bar = 100μm). Insets show enlarged images of mCherry+ nuclei with cell type markers (scale bar = 20μm). (E) mCherry+ nuclei with markers for different interneuron subtype markers (yellow arrowheads) (scale bar = 100μm) (VIP = Vasoactive intestinal peptide, NECAB = Neuronal calcium-binding protein 1, SOM = Somatostatin). CA1 layers: SO, stratum oriens; SP, stratum pyramidale; SR, stratum radiatum.