Pathway diagram of the structural equation model of gene-environment-intelligence-PLEs pathway: Cognitive phenotypes PGSs, high family SES, low neighborhood SES, positive environment, intelligence, and PLEs. A. Standardized path coefficients are indicated on each path as direct effect estimates (significance level *p<0.05). B. Indirect pathways to PLEs via intelligence were significant for polygenic scores, high family SES, low neighborhood SES, and positive environment, indicating the significant mediating role of intelligence. C. Relative effect sizes of direct and indirect pathways within the total effects on PLEs. The standardized effect sizes of direct pathways are colored within each bar. In A-B, child sex, genetic ethnicity, BMI, marital status, family history of psychiatric disorders, and ABCD research sites were included as covariates. CP PGS and EA PGS denote polygenic scores of cognitive performance and education attainment, respectively; SES, socioeconomic status; PLEs, psychotic-like experiences; Crystallized and Fluid, crystallized and fluid intelligence; ADI, Area Deprivation Index; Poverty, percentage of individuals below -125% of the poverty level; Years, years of residence. Note: * indicates a statistically significant parameter estimate at α=0.05.