Example of phenotype-correlation clusters from Cytoscape network.
Positive and negative phenotype correlations across the 131 conditions are indicated as orange and blue edges, respectively. Gene pairs with high GO similarities based on PomBase annotations or NET-FF predictions are indicated as hatched pink and bright blue edges, respectively. (A) Cluster 13 consisting of a branch with all members of the PAN complex (red) and a branch containing six genes involved in cAMP signalling (blue), along with two genes involved in RNA interference (green).
(B) Cluster 31 enriched for genes involved in vacuolar and endosomal transport (red) and Cluster 22 enriched for genes with peroxisome functions (green).
(C) Three clusters linking members of the same protein complexes, involved in protein maturation (NatC, green), regulation of transcription elongation (CTDK-1, red), and histone deacetylation (Clr6, black). The data reflect different Clr6 sub-complexes, with png2 and cti6 being positively correlated (Clr6 complex I’) but png2 and png3 being negatively correlated (Clr6 complex I”) (87).
(D) Two networks containing priority unstudied genes (green), including those with implicated mitochondrial functions (green with purple ellipses), together with their nearest neighbours based on phenotype correlation, which include genes with known mitochondrial functions (grey with purple ellipses). For simplicity, high GOGO pairs are not indicated in these networks.