The proportion of SST-expressing CINs decreased following reductions in ERK1/2 signaling.
(A-H) Representative confocal images of the somatosensory cortex at P14. The proportion of PV-expressing CINs was similar between genotypes (C, G, quantification in Q; N=3, mean ± SEM, student’s t-test, p > .05), while the proportion of SST+/EYFP+ cells was significantly lower in mutants compared to HET controls (D, H, quantification in Q; N=3, mean ± SEM, *student’s t-test, p = .005). (I-P) By P60, no difference in PV-CINs was detected (K, O, quantification in Q; N=3, mean ± SEM, p > .05), whereas a significant decrease in the density of SST+/EYFP+ cells in mutant cortices was still apparent (L, P, quantification in Q; N=3, mean ± SEM, *student’s t-test p = .03) (scale bars =50 µm).