mnb mutant phenotype can be rescued by TOR activation in flies.
(A-F and J-L) 3rd instar larval NMJ (muscles 6/7) were stained using anti-HRP (Green) and anti-Dlg (Red). Muscles are stained with phalloidin (Blue, A-F). HRP (green) stains the entire neuron and Dlg (red) stains only boutons (Red+Green). (G-I, M) Quantification of bouton numbers, normalized to muscle area (Bouton-NMA). Error bars represent standard deviation. Statistical significance (p-values: *** < 0.001; ** < 0.01; * < 0.05) is calculated by unpaired student’s t-test. (A, B, G) mnb1 alleles show fewer boutons numbers as compared to wild-type (WT, Canton S) control (B). Data are quantified in G. (C, D, H) mnb overexpression (D42-Gal4>UAS-mnb, D) increases bouton numbers as compared with mCherry overexpression (D42-Gal4>UAS-mCherry, Control, C). D42-Gal4 is a motor-neuron specific driver. Data are quantified in H. (E, F, I) Rheb overexpression (D42-Gal4>UAS-Rheb, F) increases bouton numbers as compared with mCherry overexpression (D42-Gal4>UAS-mCherry, Control, E). Data are quantified in I. (J-M) Rheb overexpression in mnb mutant (mnb1/Y D42-Gal4>UAS-Rheb, L) suppressed bouton phenotype as compared to mnb mutant (mnb1/Y D42-Gal4/+, K). Wild type is heterozygous D42-Gal4 (+/Y; D42-Gal4/+, J). Data is quantified in M.