Growing a neural network with three distinct structural plasticity rules.
(A) A network of point neurons was used to study structural plasticity, with simplified dendritic morphology. Dendritic spines are depicted as pink sticks on the soma, and axonal boutons are represented by empty or solid half-circles. An empty half-circle with a dashed line indicates an axon during retraction. In this model, intracellular calcium concentration is linearly correlated with neural firing rate, so neural activity is used to reflect “firing rate homeostasis” throughout the manuscript, as it has a meaningful physical unit compared to the arbitrary unit (a.u.) for calcium concentration. (Bi-Biii) Three structural plasticity growth rules regulate changes in synaptic element numbers. (Bi) Linear rule with a single setpoint (ɛ = 7.9, orange line). (Bii) Gaussian rule with two setpoints, one at zero (η = 0, grey line; ɛ = 7.9, orange line). (Biii) Gaussian rule with two non-zero setpoints (η = 0.7, grey line; ɛ = 7.9, orange line). Three shades represent 100%, 50%, or 10% of the original growth rate (ν), with positive and negative values indicating the rate of synaptic element growth or loss. (C) Neural network architecture based on the Brunel network model, consisting of 10 000 excitatory (blue, E) and 2 500 inhibitory neurons (red, I) stimulated by external Poissonian inputs (P). All I-I, I-E, and E-I synapses are hard-wired with 10% probability, while E-E synapses are subject to structural plasticity rules. (Di-Diii) Temporal dynamics of neural activity and network connectivity (Γ) during network growth, guided by the three distinct rules. Unless otherwise stated, the curve and shaded areas in activity plots represent the mean and standard deviation of the neural activity for the I and E populations. The network reached an equilibrium state (Γ = 10%) in Di and Dii but not in Diii. The firing rates distribution and network connectivity matrices of the indicated time points (solid triangles) are provided in Supplementary Fig. 3 for Di-Dii, and in Fig. 4 for Diii.