| Workflow for identifying de novo somatic SNVs.
8 samples (seven leaves and one cambium) were collected from four trees (two trees from each species). DNA was extracted twice independently from each sample and sequenced independently. Reads were mapped to the reference genome and used for SNV calling and filtering. SNVs over 8 samples were called using GATK HaplotypeCaller (GATK) and Bcftools mpileup (BCF tools) for each set of biological replicates from 7 branches and 1 cambium independently, generating potential SNVs for each set of replicates and for each SNP caller (G1 and G2 for GATK, B1 and B2 for BCF tools). For BCF tools, we set three thresholds (T40, T30, and T20) with different base quality (BQ) and mapping quality (MQ). SNVs detected in both replicates were extracted for each SNP callers and generated potential SNVs for each SNP caller, SNVGATK for GATK and SNVBCF for Bcftools with three thresholds. These SNVs were filtered by extracting SNVs detected in both SNP callers, generating potential SNVs for each threshold: SNVT40, SNVT30, and SNVT20. Finally, SNVs detected at any of the three thresholds were extracted to obtain candidate SNVs. We checked the candidate SNVs manually and obtained a final set of SNVs, SNVFinal.