Inferring control strategies in monkeys and humans who received no instructions.
A. Simulated data in the RMS space of cursor movement was used as training set for a classifier to determine the control objective of a trial without explicit instructions. B. Data from three example human subjects with no instructions (NI) about the control objective. Each trial (data point) is classified based on the probability of position control, P(pos), obtained for each trial from the classifier. Trials with P(pos)>70% and P(pos)<30% were, respectively, labeled as position control (brown) and velocity control (cyan), while other probabilities were labeled as uncertain (grey). Two example trials, one from each control objective, are shown in the bottom row. C. The classifier was used on data from two monkeys (Monkey I and J) who performed the CST. Similarly, trials for each monkey were categorized as position control (brown), velocity control (cyan), or uncertain (grey). D. Overall probability of an individual preferring the position control strategy, shown for six humans and two monkeys. This measure was obtained for each individual as the average probability of position control across all trials.