Signatures of association for Number of Frost-Free Days (NFFD) in the four taxa on chromosome 15 (A) and genome-wide (B). Panel A shows Windows of Repeated Association (WRAs; coloured bars) for comparisons between the focal species, H. annuus, and each of the other 3 taxa, with the haploblocks in H. annuus shaded in violet and the regions with significant PicMin hits as vertical orange lines. Panel B shows the value of the top candidate index for each of the 1000 windows with the strongest signatures of association in at least one species (∼top 2% of genome-wide windows). Rows are ordered using hierarchical clustering to group windows with similar patterns across multiple species, illustrating the extent of overlap/non-overlap in the windows with strongest signatures in each species (i.e. position in the figure does not reflect chromosomal position).