Periaqueductal gray activates antipredatory neural responses in the amygdala of foraging rats

  1. Department of Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-1525, USA
  2. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-1525, USA
  3. Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Scranton College, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, 03760, Republic of Korea
  4. Brain Disease Research Institute, Ewha Brain Institute, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  5. Program in Neuroscience, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-1525, USA

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Ki Goosens
    Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, United States of America
  • Senior Editor
    Kate Wassum
    University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States of America

Joint Public Review

In the presence of predators, animals display attenuated foraging responses and increased defensive behaviors that serve to protect them from potential predatory attacks. Previous studies have shown that the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA) and the periaqueductal gray matter (PAG) are necessary for the acquisition and expression of conditioned fear responses. However, it remains unclear how BLA and PAG neurons respond to predatory threats when animals are foraging for food. The authors employed single-unit recording of BLA and PAG neurons and optogenetic tools to address this question in an 'approach food-avoid predator' paradigm.

The authors observed that rats exhibited a significant increase in the latency to obtain the food pellets and a reduction in the pellet success rate when the predator robot was activated. A subpopulation of PAG neurons showing increased firing rate in response to the robot activation did not change its activity in response to food pellet retrieval during the pre- or post-robot sessions. Optogenetic stimulation of PAG neurons increased the latency to procure the food pellet in a frequency- and intensity-dependent manner, similar to what was observed during the robot test. Combining optogenetics with single-unit recordings, the authors demonstrated that photoactivation of PAG neurons increased the firing rate of 10% of BLA cells. A subsequent behavioral test in three of these same rats demonstrated that BLA neurons responsive to PAG stimulation displayed higher firing rates to the robot than BLA neurons nonresponsive to PAG stimulation. Next, because the PAG does not project monosynaptically to the BLA, the authors used a combination of retrograde and anterograde neural tracing to identify possible regions that could convey robot-related information from PAG to the BLA. They observed that neurons in specific areas of the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT) that are innervated by PAG fibers contained neurons that were retrogradely labeled by the injection of CTB in the BLA. In addition, PVT neurons showed increased expression of the neural activity marker cFos after the robot test, suggesting that PVT may be a mediator of PAG signals to the BLA.


Overall, the idea that the PAG interacts with the BLA via the midline thalamus during a predator vs. foraging test is new and quite interesting. The authors have used appropriate tools to address their questions. The major impact in the field would be to add evidence to claims that the BLA can be downstream of the dPAG to evoke defensive behaviors. The study also adds to a body of evidence that the PAG mediates primal fear responses.


The two most significant weaknesses relate to a) anatomical concerns related to the subregions of the BLA and PAG that were targeted by manipulations and analyses and b) the correlational nature of the PVT measures and the lack of any causal role demonstrated. Other concerns are also detailed below.

Anatomical concerns:

1. The authors claim that the recordings were performed in the dorsal PAG (dPAG), but the histological images in Fig. 1B and Supplementary S2 for example show the tip of the electrode in a different subregion of PAG (ventral/lateral). They should perform a more careful histological analysis of the recording sites and explain the histological inclusion and exclusion criteria. Diagrams showing the sites of all PAG and BLA recordings, as well as all fiber optics, would be helpful.
2. Prior studies investigating the role of BLA neurons during a foraging vs. robot test similar to the one used in this study should be also cited and discussed (e.g., Amir et al 2019, PMID: 30840520; Amir et al 2015, PMID: 26400931). These two studies demonstrated that most neurons in the basal portion of the BLA exhibit inhibitory activity during foraging behavior and only a small fraction of neurons (~4%) display excitatory activity in response to the robot (in contrast to the 25% reported in the present study). A very accurate histological analysis of BLA recording sites should be performed to clarify whether distinct subregions of the BLA encode foraging and predator-related information, as previously shown in the two described studies.
3. An important claim of this study that the PAG sends predator-related signals to BLA via the PVT (Fig. 4). The authors stated that PVT neurons labeled by intra-BLA injection of the retrograde tracer CTB were activated by the predator, but a proper immunohistochemical quantification with a control group was not provided to support this claim. To provide better support for their claim, the authors should quantify the double-labeled PVT neurons (cFos plus CTB positive neurons) during the robot test.
4. The AVV anterograde tracer deposit spread to a large part of the PAG, including dorsolateral and lateral PAG, and supraoculomotor regions (Fig. 4B). Is the projection to the PVT from the dPAG or other regions of the PAG?

Concerns about the strength of the evidence supporting a role for the PVT:

5. The authors conclude in the discussion section that the dPAG-amygdala pathway is involved in generating antipredatory defensive behavior. However, the current results are entirely based on correlational analyses of neural firing rate and there is no direct demonstration that the PAG provides information about the robot to the BLA. Therefore, the authors should tone down their interpretation or provide more evidence to support it by performing experiments applying inhibitory tools in the dPAG > PVT > BLA pathway and examining the impact on behavior and downstream neural firing.

Other concerns:

6. One of the main findings of this study is the observation that BLA neurons that are responsive to PAG photostimulation are preferentially recruited during the foraging vs. robot test (Fig. 3). However, the experimental design used to address this question is problematic because the laser photostimulation of PAG neurons preceded the foraging vs. robot test. Prior photoactivation of PAG may have caused indirect short-term synaptic plasticity in BLA cells, which would favor the response of these cells to the robot. Please see Oishi et al, 2019 PMID: 30621738, which demonstrated that 10 trains of 20Hz photoactivation (300 pulses each) was sufficient to induce LTP in brain slices.
7. The authors should perform a longitudinal analysis of the behavioral responses of the rats across the trials to clarify whether the animals habituate to the robot or not. In Figure 1E, it appears that PAG neurons fire less across the trials, which could be associated with behavioral habituation to the predator robot. If that is the case, the activity of many other PAG and BLA neurons will also most likely vary according to the trial number, which would impact the current interpretation of the results.
8. In Figure 1, it is unclear why the authors compared the activity of neurons that respond to the robot activation against the activity of the neurons during the retrieval of the food pellets in the pre-robot and post-robot sessions. The best comparison would be aligning the cells that were responsive to the activation of the robot with the moment in which the animals run back to the nest after consuming the pellets during the pre-robot or post-robot sessions. This would enable the authors to demonstrate that the PAG responses are directly associated with the expression of escaping behavior in the presence of the robot rather than associated with the onset of goal-directed movement in direction to the next during the pre- and post-robot sessions. A graphic showing the correlation between PAG firing rate and escape response would be also informative.

Author Response

Joint Public Review


Overall, the idea that the PAG interacts with the BLA via the midline thalamus during a predator vs. foraging test is new and quite interesting. The authors have used appropriate tools to address their questions. The major impact in the field would be to add evidence to claims that the BLA can be downstream of the dPAG to evoke defensive behaviors. The study also adds to a body of evidence that the PAG mediates primal fear responses.


(Anatomical concerns)

  1. The authors claim that the recordings were performed in the dorsal PAG (dPAG), but the histological images in Fig. 1B and Supplementary S2 for example show the tip of the electrode in a different subregion of PAG (ventral/lateral). They should perform a more careful histological analysis of the recording sites and explain the histological inclusion and exclusion criteria. Diagrams showing the sites of all PAG and BLA recordings, as well as all fiber optics, would be helpful.

The PAG is composed of dorsomedial (dm), dorsolateral (dl), lateral (l), and ventrolateral (vl) columns that extend along the rostro-caudal axis of the aqueduct. The term “dorsal PAG” (dPAG) generally encompasses dmPAG, dlPAG, and lPAG, as substantiated by track-tracing, neurochemical, and immunohistochemical techniques (e.g., Bandler et al., 1991; Bandler & Keay, 1996; Carrive, 1993). As Bandler and Shipley (1994) summarized, “These findings suggest that what has been traditionally called the 'dorsal PAG' (a collective term for regions dorsal and lateral to the aqueduct), consists of three anatomically distinct longitudinal columns: dorsomedial and lateral columns…and a dorsolateral column…" Similarly, Schenberg et al. (2005) clarified in their review that, “According to this parcellation...the defensive behaviors (freezing, flight or fight) and aversion-related responses (switchoff behavior) were ascribed to the DMPAG, DLPAG, and LPAG (usually named the ‘dorsal’ PAG).” In our study, all recordings were conducted within the dPAG. Also, Figures 1B and S2 in our manuscript correspond to the -6.04 mm template from Paxinos & Watson’s atlas (1998), which is shown in the left panel in Author response image 1 and is considerably anterior to the location where the vlPAG emerges, as shown in the right panel. In our revised manuscript, we will provide a detailed definition of the dPAG, inclusive of dmPAG, dlPAG, and lPAG, and support this with the referenced literature.

Author response image 1.

  1. Prior studies investigating the role of BLA neurons during a foraging vs. robot test similar to the one used in this study should be also cited and discussed (e.g., Amir et al 2019; Amir et al 2015). These two studies demonstrated that most neurons in the basal portion of the BLA exhibit inhibitory activity during foraging behavior and only a small fraction of neurons (~4%) display excitatory activity in response to the robot (in contrast to the 25% reported in the present study). A very accurate histological analysis of BLA recording sites should be performed to clarify whether distinct subregions of the BLA encode foraging and predator-related information, as previously shown in the two described studies.

In the revised manuscript, we will discuss papers by Amir et al. (2015) and Amir et al. (2019) that utilized a similar 'approach food-avoid predator' paradigm. These studies found a correlation between the neuronal activities in the basolateral amygdala (BL) and the velocity of animal movement during foraging, regardless of the presence or absence of predators. Specifically, the majority of BL neurons were inhibited in both conditions, with only 4.5% being responsive to predators. Consequently, Amir et al. posited that amygdala activity predominantly aligns with behavioral output such as foraging, rather than with responses to threats.

In contrast, our body of work (Kim et al., 2018; Kong et al., 2021; the present study) reveals that the majority of neurons in the BA/BLA displayed distinct responses in pre-robot and robot sessions. Kong et al. (2021) discussed in depth several factors that may account for this discrepancy, given that both Amir et al. and our research used similar behavioral paradigms. Differences in apparatus features, experimental procedures, and data analysis methodologies (refer to Amir et al., 2019) could be contributing to the conflicting results and interpretations concerning the significance of amygdalar neuronal activities.

Additionally, our studies uniquely monitored the same set of amygdalar neurons during pre-robot and robot sessions, affording us the opportunity for a direct comparison of neuronal activities under different threat conditions.

Another salient difference lines in the foraging success rates, which were markedly higher in Amir et al (~80%) compared to our studies (<3-4%). We hypothesize that there may be an inverse relationship between the pellet procurement rate and the intensity of fear. The high foraging success rate in Amir et al., which correlates with subdued amygdalar activity, stands in contrast to our findings of heightened amygdalar activity associated with a lower foraging success rate. Supporting this notion, optogeneticallyinduced amygdalar activity led naïve rats to abandon foraging and escape to the nest (Kong et al., 2021, the present study).

  1. An important claim of this study that the PAG sends predator-related signals to BLA via the PVT (Fig. 4). The authors stated that PVT neurons labeled by intra-BLA injection of the retrograde tracer CTB were activated by the predator, but a proper immunohistochemical quantification with a control group was not provided to support this claim. To provide better support for their claim, the authors should quantify the doublelabeled PVT neurons (cFos plus CTB positive neurons) during the robot test.

As recommended, we will include a revised Fig. 4 in the manuscript to present the quantification of neurons that are double-labeled with c-Fos and CTB in the PVT. This updated figure will provide a more rigorous analysis and visual representation of the data.

  1. The AVV anterograde tracer deposit spread to a large part of the PAG, including dorsolateral and lateral PAG, and supraoculomotor regions (Fig. 4B). Is the projection to the PVT from the dPAG or other regions of the PAG?

As previously addressed in response to Comment #1, the dPAG comprises the dmPAG, dlPAG, and lPAG. In the revised manuscript, we will acknowledge the diffusion of the AAV to the adjacent deep gray layer of the superior colliculus. Additionally, we are considering conducting more restricted AAV injections into the dPAG to verify terminal expressions in the PVT.

(Concerns about the strength of the evidence supporting a role for the PVT)

  1. The authors conclude in the discussion section that the dPAG-amygdala pathway is involved in generating antipredatory defensive behavior. However, the current results are entirely based on correlational analyses of neural firing rate and there is no direct demonstration that the PAG provides information about the robot to the BLA. Therefore, the authors should tone down their interpretation or provide more evidence to support it by performing experiments applying inhibitory tools in the dPAG > PVT > BLA pathway and examining the impact on behavior and downstream neural firing.

As suggested, we will moderate the assertions about the functional implications of the PVT, based on the data from anterograde and retrograde tracers, to present a more measured interpretation in the manuscript.

(Other concerns)

  1. One of the main findings of this study is the observation that BLA neurons that are responsive to PAG photostimulation are preferentially recruited during the foraging vs. robot test (Fig. 3). However, the experimental design used to address this question is problematic because the laser photostimulation of PAG neurons preceded the foraging vs. robot test. Prior photoactivation of PAG may have caused indirect shortterm synaptic plasticity in BLA cells, which would favor the response of these cells to the robot. Please see Oishi et al, 2019 PMID: 30621738, which demonstrated that 10 trains of 20Hz photoactivation (300 pulses each) was sufficient to induce LTP in brain slices.

After approximately eight photostimulation trials of the dPAG, with 40 pulses each, the animals entered a post-photostimulation testing phase (referred to as "Post"; Fig. 3C), lasting 10-15 minutes over an average of eight trials before robot testing. Although the PAG does not directly project to the BLA, the remote possibility of trans-synaptic plasticity in the BLA cannot be completely excluded and will be acknowledged. Additionally, it is noteworthy that Oishi et al's (2019) study applied a total of 3,000 pulses (i.e., 10 15-s trains of 20-Hz pulses) and investigated CA3-CA3 synaptic plasticity, as opposed to a total of 320 pulses (i.e., 8 2-s trains of 20-Hz pulses) in our study.

  1. The authors should perform a longitudinal analysis of the behavioral responses of the rats across the trials to clarify whether the animals habituate to the robot or not. In Figure 1E, it appears that PAG neurons fire less across the trials, which could be associated with behavioral habituation to the predator robot. If that is the case, the activity of many other PAG and BLA neurons will also most likely vary according to the trial number, which would impact the current interpretation of the results.

In Figure 1E, the y-axis represents the Z scores of individual dPAG neurons, instead of representing repeated tests of the same neuron across multiple trials. The raster plot in Figure 1F clearly depicts that the same dPAG neurons consistently display heightened neural activity in response to the approaching robot across successive trials.

  1. In Figure 1, it is unclear why the authors compared the activity of neurons that respond to the robot activation against the activity of the neurons during the retrieval of the food pellets in the pre-robot and postrobot sessions. The best comparison would be aligning the cells that were responsive to the activation of the robot with the moment in which the animals run back to the nest after consuming the pellets during the prerobot or post-robot sessions. This would enable the authors to demonstrate that the PAG responses are directly associated with the expression of escaping behavior in the presence of the robot rather than associated with the onset of goal-directed movement in direction to the next during the pre- and post-robot sessions. A graphic showing the correlation between PAG firing rate and escape response would be also informative.

Figure 1E compares the dPAG neural activity when animals enter a designated pellet zone (time-stamped by camera tracking) during both pre-robot and post-robot trials to the dPAG neural activity when entering the robot trigger zone (time-stamped by robot activation). We wish to clarify that rats carry the large (0.5 g) pellet back to the nest for consumption rather than consume it in the open arena before returning to the nest.

In our study, we aimed to investigate the direct response of dPAG neurons to the looming predator and explore the communication between dPAG and BLA in relation to antipredatory defensive responses. To build upon our previous research that suggests a potential role of dPAG in conveying such responses to the BLA (Kim et al., 2013) and the immediate firing of BLA neurons in response to predatory threats (Kim et al., 2018; Kong et al., 2021), we chose to narrow our testing window to a short latency period (< 500 ms) following robot activations. This specific time window allowed us to focus on the initial stages of the threat stimulus processing and minimize potential confounding factors such as the presence of residual firing activity triggered by the robot during the animals’ escape or any activity changes induced by the animals' behavior.

Furthermore, Figure S1C clearly demonstrates that (i) increased activity of dPAG robot cells preceded the animals’ actual turning and fleeing behavior toward the nest, as indicated by the peak values of movement speed (dark yellow), and (ii) the presence of pellets did not affect activity changes of the robot cells during pre- and post-robot sessions. These observations suggest that the heightened activity of dPAG robot cells was not due to movement changes or pellet motivation.

Lastly, as stated in the original manuscript, the vast majority of robot cells (90.9%) did not show significant correlations between movement speed and firing rates, lending further support to the interpretation that the dPAG activity observed was not merely a reflection of movement changes.


Bandler, R., Carrive, P., & Depaulis, A. (1991). Emerging principles of organization of the midbrain periaqueductal gray matter. The midbrain periaqueductal gray matter: functional, anatomical, and neurochemical organization, 1-8.

Bandler, R. & Keay, K. A. (1996). Columnar organization in the midbrain periaqueductal gray and the integration of emotional expression. Progress in brain research, 107, 285-300.

Bandler, R. & Shipley, M. T. (1994) Columnar organization in the midbrain periaqueductal gray: modules for emotional expression? Trends in Neurosciences, 17(9), 379-89.

Carrive, P. (1993). The periaqueductal gray and defensive behavior: functional representation and neuronal organization. Behavioural brain research, 58(1-2), 27-47.

Oishi, N., Nomoto, M., Ohkawa, N., Saitoh, Y., Sano, Y., Tsujimura, S., ... & Inokuchi, K. (2019). Artificial association of memory events by optogenetic stimulation of hippocampal CA3 cell ensembles. Molecular brain, 12, 1-10.

Paxinos, G. & Watson, C. (1998). The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates. Academic Press, San Diego. Schenberg, L. C., Póvoa, R. M. F., Costa, A. L. P., Caldellas, A. V., Tufik, S., & Bittencourt, A. S. (2005). Functional specializations within the tectum defense systems of the rat. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 29(8), 1279-1298.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation