A. Average number of steps needed to reach an SRE-specific genotype from an ERE-specific genotype in the absence of epistasis (left, light), the presence of pairwise epistasis (middle), or both pairwise and third-order epistasis (right, dark) in a model with no positive selection for function. Error bars give a 95% confidence interval on the estimate based on 100 replicates from each ERE-specific genotype. B. Average distance between all ERE-specific genotypes and all SRE-specific genotypes in the absence of epistasis (left, light), the presence of pairwise epistasis (middle), or both pairwise and third-order epistasis (right, dark). C. Average distance between all ERE-specific genotypes and the closest SRE-specific genotype in the absence of epistasis (left, light), the presence of pairwise epistasis (middle), or both pairwise and third-order epistasis (right, dark). D. Average number of single step neighbors for ERE-specific (left) and SRE-specific (right) genotypes in the absence of epistasis (left, light), the presence of pairwise epistasis (middle), or both pairwise and third-order epistasis (right, dark). In each case, the average number of neighbors that are ERE-specific (purple), promiscuous (blue), or SRE-specific (green) are shown. E. Average number of shortest paths between all ERE-specific and nearest SRE-specific genotype in the absence of epistasis (left, left), the presence of pairwise epistasis (middle), or both pairwise and third-order epistasis (right, dark). F. Average number of distinct shortest paths between all ERE-specific and nearest SRE-specific genotype in the absence of epistasis (left, light), the presence of pairwise epistasis (middle), or both pairwise and third-order epistasis (right, dark). All p-values were calculated from a permutation test.