Models of the Cross-Inhibition with Self-activation (CIS) network incorporated logic motifs.
(A) A table listing the topologies with logic nodes, logic functions and Cis-Regulatory Elements (CRE) configurations in the CIS network incorporated AND-AND and OR-OR logic (denoted as AND-AND motif and OR-OR motif). X and Y are lineage-specifying transcription factors (TF). Xt+1 indicates the value of X at the next time step. X*, Y* represent activated forms of X and Y, respectively. The true or false signs denote whether gene X can be transcribed, respectively. These annotations were used for the following Figure 3-7.
(B) State spaces of the AND-AND (top panel) and OR-OR (bottom panel) motifs in Boolean models. Updated rules of Boolean models are stated in Figure 2. Rectangles indicate cell states. Green, blue, purple represent S, LX, and LY, respectively. Solid arrows indicate transitions between states under corresponding Boolean models. Dotted arrows indicate forced transition imposed by external perturbations.
(C) State spaces of the AND-AND (top panel) and OR-OR (bottom panel) motifs in ODE models. Dark and red lines represent nullclines of , respectively. Stable steady states (SSS) are denoted as orange dots. Unstable Steady States (USSs) are denoted as white dots. Each axis represents the concentration of each transcription factor, which units are arbitrary. Blue, green and purple areas in state spaces indicate attractor basins representing LX, S and LY, respectively. Color of each point in state space was assigned by the attractors they finally enter according to the deterministic models (Eq1, Eq2). These annotations were used for the following Figure 3-7.
(D) The solution landscape both for the AND-AND and OR-OR motifs. The crimson X-cross sign denotes the first-order saddle node. Blue, green, and purple circles indicate attractors. These annotations were used for the following Figure 3-7.
(E-F) Simulation result of stochastic differential equation models of the AND-AND (E) and OR-OR (F) motifs. Other than adding a white noise, parameters were identical with those in (C). Initial values were set to the attractor representing S fate in Figure 2C top panel (E) and Figure 2C bottom panel (F). Noise levels of X (σx) and Y (σy) are both set to 0.14 in the AND-AND motif (E), and 0.1 in the OR-OR motif (F). Stochastic simulation was preformed 3500 times, with each final state recorded as a dot on the plot. Color of heatmap corresponds to the density of points. Unit of concentration is arbitrary.