Colocalisation analysis conducted across 95% credible sets identified during univariate fine-mapping of trait pairs
N SNPs refers to the number of SNPs present for both traits and the 1000 genomes reference panel in the region within colocalisation and fine-mapping analysis. *Indicates comparisons with genetic correlation analysis p <8.26×10−5 (0.05/605). ΔDenotes locus extended by ±10kb for fine-mapping and colocalisation analysis. †Variant identified in colocalisation as having the highest posterior probability of being shared variant assuming hypothesis 4 is true (see Figure 3). §Differences in fine-mapping solutions across trait pairs in the Chr6:32.21-32.45Mb locus reflect differences in the SNPs retained after restricting to those in common between the compared GWASø H0 = no causal variant for either trait, H1 = variant causal for trait 1, H2 = variant causal for trait 2, H3 = distinct causal variants for each trait, H4 = a shared causal variant between traits. PIP = posterior inclusion probability. AD = Alzheimer’s disease, ALS = amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, FTD = frontotemporal dementia, PD = Parkinson’s disease, SZ = schizophrenia.