The CC2 domain is essential for the stable dimer formation in UNC-104
(A) Schematic drawing of the domain organization of UNC-104(1-653) and UNC-104(1-594). Calculated molecular weight is shown at the right side.
(B) Size exclusion chromatography of UNC-104(1-594) (blue) and UNC-104(1-594)(E412K) (orange). The SDS-PAGE image of the elution fractions is shown beneath the profiles. The number shown at the left side indicates molecular weight standard. Both proteins show almost identical profile.
(C) Mass photometry of UNC-104(1-594) (blue) and UNC-104(1-594)(E412K) (orange) at 10 nM. Linges show Gaussian fits. Both UNC-104(1-594) and UNC-104(1-594)(E412K) have a single peak which is Gaussian distributed within 98 ± 14.3 kDa range and within 99 ± 13.6 kDa range, respectively (mean ± S.D.).
(D) Representative kymographs showing the motility of 2 nM UNC-104(1-594) and UNC-104(1-594)(E412K) in the presence of 2 mM ATP. Horizontal and vertical bars show 10 µm and 10 seconds, respectively.
(E) Dot plots showing the landing rate of UNC-104(1-594), UNC-104(1-594)(E412K), UNC-104(1-653) and UNC-104(1-653)(E412K). For comparison, data for UNC-104(1-653) and UNC-104(1-653)(E412K) are replotted from Figure 5E. Each dot shows a single datum point. Green bars represent median value and interquartile range. N = 31, 32, 31, 30 microtubules for UNC-104(1-594), UNC-104(1-594)(E412K), UNC-104(1-653) and UNC-104(1-653)(E412K), respectively. Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison test. ***, p < 0.001. ****, p < 0.0001. ns, p > 0.05 and statistically not significant.
(F) Dot plots showing the velocity of UNC-104(1-594), UNC-104(1-594)(E412K), UNC-104(1-653) and UNC-104(1-653)(E412K). For comparison, data for UNC-104(1-653) and UNC-104(1-653)(E412K) are replotted from Figure 5F. Green bars represent mean ± S.D.. n = 467, 609, 603, 624 particles for UNC-104(1-594), UNC-104(1-594)(E412K), UNC-104(1-653) and UNC-104(1-653)(E412K), respectively. One-way ANOVA test followed by Šidák’s multiple comparison test. ns, p > 0.05 and statistically not significant.
(G) Dot plots showing the run length of UNC-104(1-594), UNC-104(1-594)(E412K), UNC-104(1-653) and UNC-104(1-653)(E412K). For comparison, data for UNC-104(1-653) and UNC-104(1-653)(E412K) are replotted from Figure 5G. Each dot shows a single datum point. Green bars represent median value and interquartile range. Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison test. n = 467, 609, 603, 624 particles for UNC-104(1-594), UNC-104(1-594)(E412K), UNC-104(1-653) and UNC-104(1-653)(E412K), respectively. ****, p < 0.0001. ns, p > 0.05 and statistically not significant.