F-actin filaments are enriched at the tips of the spicules and the tip to back ratio is unaffected by ROCK inhibition
(A-J) representative images at 33hpf, showing normal embryo (A-E) and embryos treated with 30µM ROCK inhibitor from the gastrula stage (>25hpf, F-J). Embryos are stained with Phalloidin (green), MyollP antibody (red) and 6a9 (blue). (B-E, G-J) enlargement sections of the spicule area marked with rectangle in A and F. White arrowheads point to the enriched F-actin signal at the tips. Blue arrows point to the region of the pseudopodia cable that is not filled with the spicule cavity. (K, L) quantification of the tip to back F-actin signal (number of green pixels per area) at 33hpf in control embryos and ROCK inhibition >25hpf. Each box plot shows the average (x), median (middle line), the first and the third quartiles and all the points measured. Asterisks indicate statistical significance in paired t-test, where * is p<0.05 and *** is p< 0.0005, NS- not significant. (M-V) similar experiments to (A-J), at 48hpf, 40µM of ROCK inhibitor added at 25hpf. Red arrows point to non-skeletogenic cells enriched with MyoIIP. The experiments were repeated in 3 biological replicates and the numbers at the bottom left of (A, F, M, R) indicate the number of embryos that show this phenotype out of all embryos scored. Scale bar in A, F, M, R is 50µm and in B, G, N, S, is 10µm. (W, X) representative spicules out of three biological replicates from control skeletogenic cell culture (W, n=60), and skeletogenic cell treated with 30µM ROCK inhibitor added at 48hpf and recorded at 72hpf (X, n=52). Left panel is phase image, middle panel is phalloidin staining and right panel shows the overlay. Green arrows point to the enhanced F-actin signal at the tips. Scale bar is 20μm.