Conservation of honeycomb lattice development in genus Parides. SEM cross-section view of (A) adult green scales in P. arcas, (D) blue scales in P.nireus, and (G) green scales in P.palinurus. All pupal dorsal forewing scales are stained either with AF-555 WGA or FITC-WGA (green) showing chitin, and AF-647 phalloidin or TRITC-phalloidin (red) showing F-actin. (B-C) Maximum projected 3D-SIM micrograph of green cover scales in pupal male P. arcas featuring planar cuticular disks similar in shape and arrangement to P. eurimedes. (B’-C’) Maximum projected 3D-SIM micrograph of green cover scales of a different male P. arcas pupa showing irregular crossribs patterns. (E-F) Maximum projected 3D-SIM micrograph of blue cover scales of pupal P. nireus, similarly with crossribs and intact linear actin bundles. (H-I) 60x confocal micrographs of green cover scales of pupal P. palinurus shown at two different z-planes. A concave network of F-actin underlie the cuticular dimples. At lower z, the actin rings (in cross-section) are smaller in size and show a foam-like appearance. (C-C’, F, and I) xz cross-sections of the scales with ROI at locations marked with grey lines in B-B’, E, and H respectively. Scale bars (A, D, and G) – 5µm, (B-B’, C-C’, E, and F) – 1µm, (H-I) – 5µm.