cdo-1 transcription is activated by HIF-1 downstream of RHY-1, CYSL-1, and EGL-9.
A) Expression of the Pcdo-1::GFP transgene is displayed for wild-type, egl-9(sa307), egl-9(sa307) hif-1(ia4) double mutant, egl-9(sa307); cysl-1(ok762) double mutant, rhy-1(ok1402), rhy-1(ok1402); hif-1(ia4) double mutant, and rhy-1(ok1402); cysl-1(ok762) double mutant C. elegans animals at the L4 stage of development. Scale bar is 250μm. White dotted line outlines animals with basal GFP expression. For GFP imaging, exposure time was 100ms. B,C) Quantification of the data displayed in Fig. 2A. Individual datapoints are shown (circles) as are the mean and standard deviation (red lines). n is 5 individuals per genotype. Data are normalized so that wild-type expression of Pcdo-1::GFP is 1 arbitrary unit (a.u.). *, p<0.05, ****, p<0.0001, ordinary one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s post hoc analysis. Note, wild-type, egl-9(-), and rhy-1(-) images in panel A and quantification of Pcdo-1::GFP in panels B and C are identical to the data presented in Fig. 1D,E. They are re-displayed here to allow for clear comparisons to the double mutant strains of interest.