Figures and data

FliCON S. Typhimurium activates apoptotic backup pathways in vitro.
A) Cell death pathways activated by FliCON S. Typhimurium.
B) Schematic of engineered FliCON construct.
C-F) BMMs were infected with indicated SPI2-induced S. Typhimurium strains.
C) Western blot analysis of cytosolic and mitochondrial fractions at 5 hpi. Representative image from
three independent experiments.
D) Western blot analysis of whole cell lysates at 4 hpi. Representative image from three independent experiments.
E) LDH release at 1-8 hpi. Results representative of 3 independent experiments. Data are represented as mean ± SD of 3 technical replicates.
F-G) Immunofluorescence and brightfield. Cells were stained with PI, cleaved caspase-3/7, and Hoechst.
F) Representative image from two (brightfield, PI) or one (cleaved caspase-3/7) independent experiments at 4hpi. 60x magnification, scale bar 20µm. Arrows, pyroptotic cells. Carrots, apoptotic cells.
G) Z-stack slices from Movie S1. Gsdmd−/− BMMs infected with FliCON imaged at 6 hpi. Representative Z-stack from three (brightfield, PI) or one (cleaved caspase-3/7) independent experiments. 60x magnification, Z-slices 11, 18, 21, and 26 shown. Carrots; selected examples of apoptotic bodies.

Backup apoptosis does not clear FliCON S. Typhimurium in the spleen.
A) Schematic of competitive index infection model.
B-H) Mice were infected with a 1:1 ratio of FliCON and a vector control S. Typhimurium. Bacterial burdens in the spleen were determined at the indicated timepoints.
B) Timecourse of competitive index infection in indicated mice. Mice were infected with 5x102 CFU of each strain. Ratio of vector to FliCON is graphed. Data representative of three (WT, Gsdmd−/−) or two (Nlrc4−/−, Casp1−/−) independent experiments. Line connects mean, n=3-4 mice per genotype per timepoint. Two-way ANOVA n.s. p>0.05; *** p<0.001.
C-F) Individual burdens of vector and FliCON from (B). Paired vector and FliCON data from each mouse are connected by a line. Two-way repeated measure ANOVA. n.s. p>0.05, *p<0.05, ** p<0.01
G) Mice were infected with 5x104 CFU of each strain. Bacterial burdens in the spleen were determined at 48 hpi. Ratio of vector to FliCON is graphed. Combined two independent experiments, line representing mean ± SD, n=7-13 mice per genotype. Kruskal-Wallis n.s. p>0.05; *** p<0.001, ****p<0.0001.
H) Individual burdens from (G). Paired vector and FliCON data from each mouse are connected by a line. Two-way repeated measure ANOVA. n.s. p>0.05, ****p<0.0001

Engineered BIDON S. Typhimurium activates apoptosis in vitro.
A) Schematic of engineered BIDON construct.
B) Pathway model showing how BIDON leads to intrinsic apoptosis.
C-G) BMMs were infected with indicated SPI2-induced S. Typhimurium strains.
C-E) Western blot analysis of whole cell lysates at 6 hpi. Data representative of two (C) or three (D-E) independent experiments.
F) Western blot analysis of cytosolic and mitochondrial fractions at 4 hpi. Data representative from three independent experiments.
G) Brightfield at 6 hpi. Data representative of three independent experiments. 60x magnification, scale
bar 20 µm, carrot, apoptotic blebs.
H) Z-stack slices from Movie S2. WT BMMs infected with BIDON imaged at 6 hpi. Representative Z-stack from three (brightfield, PI) or one (cleaved caspase-3/7) independent experiments. 60x magnification, Z-slices 11, 19, 22, and 24 shown. Carrots; selected examples of apoptotic bodies.

Apoptosis is induced slower than pyroptosis.
A-B) BMMs were infected with indicated SPI2-induced S. Typhimurium strains.
A) Western blot analysis of whole cell lysates. Representative of five independent experiments.
B) Immunofluorescence and brightfield. Cells were stained with PI, cleaved caspase-3/7, and Hoechst and imaged at indicated timepoints. Representative image from three (brightfield, PI) or one (cleaved caspase-3/7) independent experiments. Z-stack of the 6h timepoint are represented in Movies S1-2. Z-stack slice 19 (FliCON in Gsdmd−/−) and slice 20 (BIDON in WT) shown here. 60x magnification, scale bar 20µm. Arrows, pyroptotic cells. Carrots, apoptotic cells.

Intrinsic apoptosis does not clear engineered S. Typhimurium in the spleen.
A-D) Mice were infected with a 1:1 ratio of either FliCON or BIDON and a vector control S. Typhimurium. Mice were infected with 5x102 CFU of each strain. Bacterial burdens in the spleen were determined at the indicated timepoints.
A) Timecourse competitive index infection in WT mice. Ratio of vector to either FliCON or BIDON is graphed. Data is combined from three independent experiments, line connects means, n=13-14 mice per condition. Two-way ANOVA *** p<0.001, ****p<0.0001.
B) Individual burdens of vector and FliCON or BIDON from (A). Paired vector and FliCON or BIDON data from each mouse are connected by a line. Two-way repeated measure ANOVA n.s. p>0.05; *** p<0.001, ****p<0.0001.
C) Competitive index infection of indicated mice infected with either FliCON or BIDON. Ratio of vector to either FliCON or BIDON is graphed. Bacterial burdens in the spleen were determined at 48 hpi. Data is combined from three independent experiments, line representing mean ± SD, n=10-12 mice per condition. One-way ANOVA n.s. p>0.05, ****p<0.0001
D) Individual burdens of vector and FliCON or BIDON from (C). Paired vector and StrainON data from each mouse are connected by a line. Two-way repeated measure ANOVA n.s. p>0.05, ****p<0.0001
E) Schematic of triple competitive index model.
F-G) Mice were infected simultaneously with three strains, 5x102 CFU each of CamR vector, KanR FliCON, and AmpR BIDON S. Typhimurium. Bacterial burdens in the spleen were determined at 48 hpi.
F) Triple competitive index infection of WT mice. Ratio of CamR vector to KanR FliCON or AmpR BIDON is graphed. Data is combined from three independent experiments, line representing mean ±SD, n=15. Unpaired two-tailed t-test ****p<0.0001.
G) Individual burdens of CamR vector, KanR FliCON, and AmpR BIDON from (F). Paired vector, FliCON, and BIDON data from each mouse are connected by a line. Two-way repeated measure ANOVA n.s. p>0.05, ****p<0.0001.

Pyroptosis clears FliCON from myeloid compartment in vivo.
A) Mice were infected with 5x104 CFU of each strain. Bacterial burdens in the spleen were determined at 48 hpi. Ratio of vector to FliCON is graphed. Combined two independent experiments, line representing mean ± SD, n=6 mice per genotype. One-way ANOVA n.s. p>0.05; ****p<0.0001.
B) Individual burdens from (A). Paired vector and FliCON data from each mouse are connected by a line. Two-way repeated measure ANOVA. n.s. p>0.05, ****p<0.0001

Apoptotic pathways lead to clearance in the cecum.
A-D) Mice were orally treated with 20mg streptomycin, and 24h later orally infected with 1x107 CFUs total bacteria comprised of a 1:1 ratio of the indicated ampicillin resistant strain and kanamycin resistant vector (pWSK129) control S. Typhimurium, all on a flgB mutant background. Bacterial burdens in the cecum, mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN), and fecal sample were determined at 48 hpi.
A) Competitive index is graphed as a ratio of vector to either pWSK29 or FliCON. Data is combined from two (cecum, fecal) or one (MLN) independent experiments (MLN was not harvested in the first experiment, where we harvested the spleen, which had negligible burdens; one additional representative experiment is shown in Figure S6A-B), line representing mean ± SD, n=10 (cecum, fecal) or 5 (MLN) mice per condition. Two-way repeated measure ANOVA n.s. p>0.05, ****p<0.0001.
B) Individual burdens of vector and pWSK29 or FliCON from (A). Paired vector and StrainON data from each mouse are connected by a line. Two-way repeated measure ANOVA n.s. p>0.05, *p<0.05, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001.
C) Competitive index infection of WT mice infected with either SspH1SS-HA or BIDON. Ratio of vector to either SspH1SS-HA or BIDON is graphed. Data is combined from two independent experiments, line representing mean ± SD, n=10 mice per condition. Two-way repeated measure ANOVA n.s. p>0.05, ****p<0.0001.
D) Individual burdens of vector and SspH1SS-HA or BIDON from (C). Paired vector and StrainON data from each mouse are connected by a line. Two-way repeated measure ANOVA n.s. p>0.05, **p<0.01, ****p<0.0001.
E) Schematic demonstrating the ability of pyroptotic or apoptotic signaling to lead to clearance of engineered S. Typhimurium in either IECs or macrophages.