Peer review process
Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.
Read more about eLife’s peer review process.Editors
- Reviewing EditorKassandra Ori-McKenneyUniversity of California, Davis, United States of America
- Senior EditorQiang CuiBoston University, Boston, United States of America
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This study addresses the fundamental question of how the nucleotide, associated with the beta-subunit of the tubulin dimer, dictates the tubulin-tubulin interaction strength in the microtubule polymer. This problem has been a topic of debate in the field for over a decade, and it is essential for understanding microtubule dynamics.
McCormick and colleagues focus their attention on two hypotheses, which they call the "self-acting" model and the "interface-acting" model. Both models have been previously discussed in the literature and they are related to the specific way, in which the GTP hydrolysis in the beta-tubulin subunit exerts an effect on the microtubule lattice. The authors argue that the two considered models can be discriminated based on a quantitative analysis of the sensitivity of the growth rates at the plus- and minus-ends of microtubules to the concentration of GDP-tubulins in mixed nucleotide (GDP/GMPCPP) experiments. By combing computational simulations and in vitro observations, they conclude that the tubulin-tubulin interaction strength is determined by the interfacial nucleotide.
The major strength of the paper is a systematic and thorough consideration of GDP as a modulator of microtubule dynamics, which brings novel insights about the structure of the stabilizing cap on the growing microtubule end.
I think that the study is interesting and valuable for the field, but it could be improved by addressing the following critical points and suggestions. They concern (1) the statistical significance of the main experimental finding about the distinct sensitivity of the plus- and minus-ends of microtubules to the GTP-tubulin concentration in solution, and (2) the validity of the formulation of the "self-acting" model with an emphasis solely on the longitudinal bonds.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
McCormick, Cleary et al., explore the question of how the nucleotide state of the tubulin heterodimer affects the interaction between adjacent tubulins.
(1) The setup of the authors' model, which attributes the dynamic properties of the growing microtubule only to the differences in interface binding affinities, is unrealistic. They excluded the influence of the nucleotide-dependent global conformational changes even in the 'Self-Acting Nucleodide' model (Fig. 1A). As the authors have found earlier, tubulin in its unassembled state may be curved irrespective of the species of the bound nucleotide (Rice et al., 2008, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0801155105), but at the growing end of microtubules, the situation could be different. Considering the recently published papers from other laboratories, it may be more appropriate to include the nucleotide-dependent change in the tubulin conformation in the Self-Acting Nucleotide model.
(2) The result that the minus end is insensitive to GDP (Fig. 2) was previously published in a paper by Tanaka-Takiguchi et al. (doi: 10.1006/jmbi.1998.1877). The exact experimental condition was different from the one used in Fig. 2, but the essential point of the finding is the same. The authors should cite the preceding work, and discuss the similarities and differences, as compared to their own results.