Simulations using an ergodic version of the pausing model, without intrinsic heterogeneity, fail to recapitulate the coordinated growth of mechanically coupled microtubules pairs
(a) Example simulations of microtubule (MT) plus-end positions over time using the ergodic pausing model. Simulated microtubule pairs were coupled via soft or stiff spring-couplers and shared a total load FTOT = 8 pN to match dual-trap assay conditions. (b) Tip separations between microtubule plus-end pairs that were simulated using the ergodic pausing model and coupled with either soft (left) or stiff (right) spring-couplers. Light colors show tip separations for N = 40 individual simulated microtubule pairs while dark colors show mean tip separation for N = 10,000 simulated pairs. (c) Comparison between the fraction of in silico (simulated, dashed curves) and in vitro (real, solid curves) microtubule pairs whose plus-ends remained within 0.8 μm of each other over time. Shaded regions show SEMs from N = 50 and N = 43 in vitro recordings with soft and stiff couplers, respectively. Soft- and stiff-coupled microtubule pairs were each simulated N = 10,000 times over 400 s of growth in both (b) and (c). Simulation parameters for (a), (b), and (c) can be found in Table 1. As expected, microtubule pairs simulated using this ergodic model remained much closer together than real microtubule pairs, rarely separating by more than 0.5 µm irrespective of coupler stiffness. After 300 s, the average tip separation for soft-coupled pairs was only 0.202 ± 0.002 µm (mean ± SEM from N = 10,000 simulations), barely different from the average tip separation for stiff-coupled pairs of 0.134 ± 0.002 µm (mean ± SEM from N = 10,000 simulations). Combined with the success of the non-ergodic pausing model in fitting our dual-trap data, this supports the idea that microtubule growth can be considered non-ergodic during our 400 s experiments.