A simple conductance based model displays the same qualitative behavior as a detailed biophysical model. (A) The classification task performed by the spiking network of figures D, E, F. Each point is a 2D input vector x, the colors represent the different classes. (B) Procedure of transforming continuous 2D inputs x into input spikes for the network. First, x is projected onto a binary feature space to obtain a binary vector in a higher dimensional space. Then, spike times are added to this binary vector to produce the series of input spikes. For details, see subsection 3.4. (C) Schematic of the network architecture. The input somas spike according to the spike times obtained from the binary input vector. Each soma in the next layer has one dendrite per upstream soma, and each dendrite is connected to both one downstream and one upstream soma only. The dendrite-soma coupling is a bidirectional passive resistive coupling, whereas the upstream somas have a one-directional synaptic coupling onto the dendrites. (D) Example of the spiking network equipped with plateaus in the dendrites receiving asynchronous input spikes. It classifies the three inputs correctly in spite of the asynchrony. (E) Example of the spiking network equipped with dendrites without plateaus receiving asynchronous input spikes. The first two points are classified incorrectly, the network gets the third answer correct. (F) Summary of how well the network with plateaus and the network without plateaus deal with asynchrony τ, with the performance measured as the percentage of points of the classification task classified correctly. Without plateaus the performance drops off quickly (dashed line), whereas the network with plateaus does not suffer from performance degradation for this range of τ (solid line).