Slow Initial Translation inhibits gene expression. Left 3 bars. A synthetic GFP was constructed with a leader amino acid sequence that had little effect on GFP. The leader sequence was recoded to give slow (SIT), medium (MIT) or fast (FIT) translation speed over the first 41 amino acids, without changing the amino acid sequence—i.e., the SIT, MIT and FIT had identical amino acid sequences, but different average RRTs. Each construct (SIT, MIT, FIT) was integrated in single copy at the ADE2 locus, and 25 independently-transformed strains were picked, and GFP fluorescence was measured for each, and the RFP-normalized mean was plotted. GFP was normalized to RFP expressed from the same reporter molecule, but RFP fluorescence hardly changed amongst the transformants, and non-normalized GFP would have given very similar results. Slower initial translation reduced gene expression. Right 3 bars. As above, but a Putative ribosome Collision Site (PCS) (CGA-CGG) was inserted between the leader and the GFP. Again, slower initial translation reduced gene expression.