Screening for synapsin isoforms that allow α-syn functionality.
A) Schematic showing pH-sensitive sensor sypHy and principle of pHluorin experiments to quantitatively evaluate the SV cycle (see main text and methods for more details).
B) Elimination of all synapsins block α-syn functionality at synapses. Left: Schematic showing design of pHluorin experiments. WT or synapsin TKO cultured hippocampal neurons were co-transduced at 5 days in-vitro (DIV) with h-α-syn:mCherry (or mCherry as control) and sypHy, and imaged at 14-15 DIV. Right: Stimulation-induced sypHy fluorescence traces (300 action potentials at 20 Hz, delivered at t=0 sec – for clarity, symbols only mark every other mean±SEM ΔF/F0 value in all sypHy traces). Note that while h-α-syn over-expression (orange) attenuated sypHy fluorescence in WT neurons, there was no effect in neurons from mice lacking all synapsins (TKO). All sypHy data quantified in (C).
C) Quantification of peak ΔF/F0 sypHy values. A total of 12-19 coverslips were analyzed for each condition, from at least 3 separate cultures (*** p=1e-7, ns p=0.90, U-test).
D) Domain structure of the five main synapsin isoforms.
E) Experimental design to identify the synapsin isoform that reinstated α-syn functionality, Synapsin TKO neurons were co-transduced at 5 DIV with each synapsin isoform, h-α-syn, and sypHy; and imaged at 14-15 DIV.
F) SypHy fluorescence traces (mean±SEM). Note that h-α-syn (orange) attenuates SV recycling only if the neurons are also co-expressing the “a” isoforms – synapsins Ia, IIa and IIIa (300 action potentials at 20 Hz, delivered at t=0 sec). Data quantified in G.
G) Quantification of peak ΔF/F0 sypHy values. 13-26 coverslips from at least 3 separate cultures were analyzed for each condition (***p=0.0009, ns p=0.62, *** p=0.00005, ns p=0.62 for Ib and p=0.99 for IIb; ** p=0.004, Student’s t test).