Impact of T9 contusion on cystometric bladder function and EUS EMG activity.
A) Example bladder pressure and EUS EMG trace of coordinated voiding in intact animals (left column) and in SCI rats, five days following spinal cord injury (right column). Expanded traces show EUS EMG activity. Note different y-scales in expanded trace used for clarity. (B-E) Summary of the impact of T9 contusion injury on various cystometric outcomes. Baseline pressure was reduced in the SCI group as compared to intact animals. Injured rats had significantly higher threshold pressures, voided volume, and intercontraction intervals. B) Baseline pressure (cmH2O); C) Threshold pressure (cmH2O); D) Voided volume (μl); E) Intercontraction interval (s). F-I) Summary of the impact of T9 contusion injury on EUS EMG activity. Injured rats had a significantly higher duration, area under the curve, and RMSpeak EMG. F) Threshold (cmH2O); G) Duration (s); H) area under the curve (arbitrary unit, a.u.); I) RMSpeak EMG (a.u.). *p < 0.05. Data are presented as bar plots with all individual data points corresponding to individual animal means. Group means are shown in diamond with error bars depicting ± SE.