Substitutions at positions 66 and 109 decreased the affinity of AncA0 ACD to C-terminal peptide and aggregated substrate.
(A) Structural model of complex formed by AncA0 Q66H G109D α-crystallin domain dimer (purple and lilac) and AncA0 C-terminal peptide (orange). (B) Effect of Q66H G109D substitutions (green) on AncA0 (purple) ACD’s affinity to the C - terminal peptide assayed by BLI. Biolayer thickness at the end of the association step was used to calculate the fraction of bound peptide. Filled circles represent means of triplicate measurements, individual data points are shown as hollow circles and were fitted to cooperative binding model (Hill equation). Values of fitted binding affinities [K0.5] (AncA0 4.3 ±0.2 μM, AncA0 Q66H G109D 7.1 ±0.2 μM) and Hill coefficients [n] (AncA0 2.3 ±0.17, AncA0 Q66H G109D 3.7 ±0.34) are indicated on the plot. (C) Effect of Q66H G109D substitutions on AncA0 ACD’s affinity to aggregated E. coli proteins bound to BLI sensor. Analysis was performed as in Fig. 3A.