Functional changes during the evolution of secondarily single sHsp in Erwiniaceae.
(A) Schematic phylogeny of sHsps in Enterobacterales. Gene duplication resulting in IbpA + IbpB two-protein system is marked with a star, while the loss of ibpB gene in Erwiniaceae clade is marked with a cross; AncA0 – reconstructed last common ancestor of IbpA from Erwiniaceae and Enterobacteriaceae, expressed as a part of two-protein system; AncA1 – reconstructed last common ancestor of secondarily single IbpA from Erwiniaceae. (B) Extant sHsps’ ability to stimulate luciferase refolding. sHsps were present during the luciferase thermal denaturation step. Refolding of denatured luciferase was performed by the Hsp70-Hsp100 chaperone system. (C) Binding of extant and ancestral sHsps to heat-aggregated E. coli proteins. E. coli proteins were heat aggregated and immobilized on a BLI sensor. sHsps were heat activated before the binding step. (D) Sequestrase activity of extant and ancestral sHsps; Luciferase was heat denatured in the presence of different concentrations of sHsps and size of formed sHsps – substrate assemblies was measured by DLS; results are shown as average hydrodynamic radius ± SD. (E) Extant and ancestral sHsps’ ability to stimulate luciferase refolding.