Methods in topological data analysis and examples.
a, Basic representation of different geometries (indicated) and their corresponding Betti numbers. b, Local dimensionality of a sphere (i) and a local neighborhood (ii), computed by obtaining its local principal components (iii) and finding and elbow on the rate of explained variance (iv). c, Left, top: Birth and death of a generator in H1 (a cycle) for the same collection of datapoints and increasing radius. Left, bottom: barcode diagram indicating the birth and death of all generators. Right: Lifetime diagram indicating the birth and length of bars in b, distinctively indicating relevant generators and noise. d, Local homology in different locations of a locally two-dimensional object. Deviations from the Betti number B1 = 1 can indicate boundaries (B1 = 0) or singularities (B1 > 1) as exemplified. e, Orientable (top, torus) and non-orientable (bottom, Klein bottle) objects with Betti numbers [1, 2, 1] in Z2 but different Betti numbers in Z3 (indicated).