Box 1 region in hPRLR contributes to PRLR-induced GHR downregulation. (A) Diagrams of employed mutant hPRLR variants with truncations or deletion in the intracellular domain. ECD, extracellular domain; TMD, transmembrane domain; ICD, intracellular domain. (B) γ2A-JAK2-hGHR cells were transiently transfected with hPRLR-tr292 and hPRLR-tr238. Cell extracts were resolved by SDS-PAGE and blotted with anti-PRLR mAbext-1.48 and anti-PRLRcyt-AL84. (C-G) γ2A-JAK2-hGHR cells were transfected with (C) wild-type hPRLR (hPRLR-WT), (D) hPRLR truncated at 292 aa (hPRLR-tr292), (E) hPRLR truncated at 238 aa (hPRLR-tr238), (F) hPRLR with box1 motif deleted (hPRLR-ΔBox1) and (G) vector pcDNA3.1 (vector). Transfected cells were imaged by dSTORM microscopy and analyzed using the DBSCAN algorithm. The density of hGHR localizations on the cell surface was calculated. Each data point represents the density of hGHR in a cell surface area of size 6.25 μm X 6.25 μm. Data are collected from at least 6 cells (4 ROIs per cell) from each group, and values are displayed as mean ± SE (from three independent experiments). Data are normalized such that the basal is 100%. * (P<0.05), ** (P<0.01), and *** (P<0.001) denote the statistical significance in comparison with Basal and are calculated by a two-tailed t-test assuming unequal variance. (H) Detergent cell extracts of hPRLR-ΔBox1 and hGHR-expressing cells were analyzed by immunoblotting. After 5 hrs. starvation, cells were treated with GH (500 ng/ml) or PRL (500 ng/ml) for 10 min. In each experiment, the average Basal value is considered 100%. (I) Fraction of GHR/PRLR colocalized clusters. In the resting state, the colocalization ratio is significantly lower for cells expressing hPRLR-tr238 than for those expressing hPRLR-WT. Each data point represents the ratio of the number of clusters, which contain both hGHR and hPRLR, to the total number of clusters on the cell surface. Data are displayed as mean ± SE. * (P<0.05) indicates statistical significance in comparison with WT and is calculated by a two-tailed t-test assuming unequal variance (all bars without an asterisk are not significant).