Unsupervised discovery of family specific vocal usage in the Mongolian gerbil

  1. Center for Neural Science, New York University, New York, NY
  2. Columbia University, New York, NY
  3. Center for Computational Neuroscience, Flatiron Institute, New York, NY
  4. Department of Psychology, New York University, New York, NY
  5. Department of Biology, New York University, New York, NY
  6. Neuroscience Institute, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Daniel Takahashi
    Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil
  • Senior Editor
    Barbara Shinn-Cunningham
    Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

This research offers an in-depth exploration and quantification of social vocalization within three families of Mongolian gerbils. In an enlarged, semi-natural environment, the study continuously monitored two parent gerbils and their four pups from P14 to P34. Through dimensionality reduction and clustering, a diverse range of gerbil call types was identified. Interestingly, distinct sets of vocalizations were used by different families in their daily interactions, with unique transition structures exhibited across these families. The primary results of this study are compelling, although some elements could benefit from clarification

Three elements of this study warrant emphasis. Firstly, it bridges the gap between laboratory and natural environments. This approach offers the opportunity to examine natural social behavior within a controlled setting (such as specified family composition, diet, and life stages), maintaining the social relevance of the behavior. Secondly, it seeks to understand short-timescale behaviors, like vocalizations, within the broader context of daily and life-stage timescales. Lastly, the use of unsupervised learning precludes the injection of human bias, such as pre-defined call categories, allowing the discovery of the diversity of vocal outputs.

1. While the notable differences in vocal clusters across families are convincing, the drivers of these differences remain unclear. Are they attributable to "dialect," call usage, or specific vocalizing individuals (e.g., adults vs. pups)? Further investigation, via a literature review or additional observation, into acoustic differences between adult and pup calls is recommended. Moreover, a consistent post-weaning decrease in the bottom-left cluster (Fig. S3) invites interpretation: could this reflect drops in pup vocalization?

2. Developmental progression, particularly during pre-weaning periods when pup vocal output remains unstable, might be another factor influencing cross-family vocal differences. Representing data from this non-stationary process as an overall density map could result in the loss of time-dependent information. For instance, were dominating call types consistently present throughout the recording period, or were they prominent only at specific times? Displaying the evolution of the density map would enhance understanding of this aspect.

3. Family-specific vocalizations were credited to the transition structure, a finding that may seem obvious if the 1-gram (i.e., the proportion of call types) already differs. This result lacks depth unless it can be demonstrated that, firstly, the transition matrix provides a robust description of the data, and secondly, different families arrange the same set of syllables into unique sequences.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

Peterson et al., perform a series of behavioral experiments to study the repertoire and variance of Mongolian gerbil vocalizations across social groups (families). A key strength of the study is the use of a behavioral paradigm which allows for long term audio recordings under naturalistic conditions. This experimental set-up results in the identification of additional vocalization types. In combination with state of the art methods for vocalization analysis, the authors demonstrate that the distribution of sound types and the transitions between these sound types across three gerbil families is different. This is a highly compelling finding which suggests that individual families may develop distinct vocal repertoires. One potential limitation of the study lies in the cluster analysis used for identifying distinct vocalization types. The authors use a Gaussian Mixed Model (GMM) trained on variational auto Encoder derived latent representation of vocalizations to classify recorded sounds into clusters. Through the analysis the authors identify 70 distinct clusters and demonstrate a differential usage of these sound clusters across families. While the authors acknowledge the inherent challenges in cluster analysis and provide additional analyses (i.e. maximum mean discrepancy, MMD), additional analysis would increase the strength of the conclusions. In particular, analysis with different cluster sizes would be valuable. An additional limitation of the study is that due to the methodology that is used, the authors can not provide any information about the bioacoustic features that contribute to differences in sound types across families which limits interpretations about how the animals may perceive and react to these sounds in an ethologically relevant manner.

The conclusions of this paper are well supported by data, but certain parts of the data analysis should be expanded and more fully explained.

• Can the authors comment on the potential biological significance of the 70 sound clusters? Does each cluster represent a single sound type? How many vocal clusters can be attributed to a single individual? Similarly, can the authors comment on the intra-individual and inter-individual variability of the sound types within and across families?
• As a main conclusion of the paper rests on the different distribution of sound clusters across families, it is important to validate the robustness of these differences across different cluster parameters. Specifically, the authors state that "we selected 70 clusters as the most parsimonious fit". Could the authors provide more details about how this was fit? Specifically, could the authors expand upon what is meant by "prior domain knowledge about the number of vocal types...". If the authors chose a range of cluster values (i.e. 10, 30, 50, 90) does the significance of the results still hold?
• While VAEs are powerful tools for analyzing complex datasets in this case they are restricted to analysis of spectrogram images. Have the authors identified any acoustic differences (i.e. in pitch, frequency, and other sound components) across families?

Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

Summary: In this study, Peterson et al. longitudinally record and document the vocal repertoires of three Mongolian gerbil families. Using unsupervised learning techniques, they map the variability across these groups, finding that while overall statistics of, e.g., vocal emission rates and bout lengths are similar, families differed markedly in their distributions of syllable types and the transitions between these types within bouts. In addition, the large and rich data are likely to be valuable to others in the field.

- Extensive data collection across multiple days in multiple family groups.
- Thoughtful application of modern analysis techniques for analyzing vocal repertoires.
- Careful examination of the statistical structure of vocal behavior, with indications that these gerbils, like naked mole rats, may differ in repertoire across families.

- The work is largely descriptive, documenting behavior rather than testing a specific hypothesis.
- The number of families (N=3) is somewhat limited.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation