Hyperactive MYRF-1 drives premature expression of lin-4.
A. The reporter of lin-4 transcription, labeled by endogenously inserted nls::mScarlet (umn84), which also produces a loss-of-function allele of lin-4. The fluorescence was not observed in embryos or early L1, but in late L1, confirming the previous reports. B. Overexpression of a hyperactive MYRF-1 mutant, GFP::MYRF-1(delete 601-650) caused premature lin-4 transcription in embryos and early L1, labeled by lin-4p::nls::mScarlet. C. The expression of Plin-4-GFP(maIs134) in wild type and myrf-1(syb1313) mutants. At 6 hours, Plin-4-GFP expression is elevated in the neurons of myrf-1(syb1313) mutants but undetectable in wild type. By late L1 (15h), Plin-4-GFP is upregulated in multiple tissues in wild type. Although GFP expression is sustained in neurons (arrow) of the mutants, it is significantly weak or absent in the pharynx (asterisk) of the mutants. D. The fluorescence intensity of the lin-4 transcriptional reporter (as displayed in (C)) was measured and presented as mean ± SEM (t-test, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001). Each data point represents the mean intensity of the head neurons or pharynx region in individual animal, which were imaged using confocal microscopy. E. The expression of lin-4p::nls::mScarlet(umn84) in wild type and myrf-1(syb1313) mutants. At 6 hours, mScarlet expression is elevated in certain neurons of myrf-1(syb1313) mutants but undetectable in wild type. By late L1 (14h), mScarlet is upregulated in multiple tissues in both wild type and myrf-1(syb1313) mutants. The mutants exhibit stronger mScarlet signals than wild type. F. The fluorescence intensity of lin-4p::nls::mScarlet (as displayed in (E)) was measured and presented as mean ± SEM (t-test, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001). The ROI for “whole body” encompasses the entire body of the animal. The ROI of “in head neurons” comprises multiple head neuron nuclei in each animal. The ROI for “in pharyngeal cells” includes the 8-9 pharyngeal nuclei that exhibit strong mScarlet signals. Each data point represents the mean intensity of the ROI in individual animal.