Figures and data

Sediment cores retrieved from two lakes on the Yamal peninsula, Siberia.

aDNA of Mammuthus in recent lake sediments. (A) Read counts assigned to Mammuthus (square-root-transformed proportion of the respective number of raw reads per library) after hybridization capture enrichment of aeDNA of core LK-001 (shown are results of 22 libraries; one library was excluded as it did not produce any reads assigned to mammals); square-root transformation of percentage. Indicated are sample depths (in cm; 1.5 to 80 cm) and approximate ages as per 210 Pb chronology (Table S7; to a maximum depth of 39.5 cm). The solid line indicates the general trend. Across the 22 libraries: (B) Fragment length distribution and (C) damage patterns (red indicates C-to-T transitions, blue G-to-A transitions. the Y-axis indicates the percentage of positions with a nucleotide change, the X-axis indicates the position along the fragment).

>. Locations of the sediment cores of the present study (Yamal peninsula, Siberia) and previously retrieved mammoth remains and their haplo(sub)groups (Table S6). The bar chart indicates a maximum-likelihood estimate of the haplogroup proportions derived from the reads from the three sediment core libraries with the most mammoth reads.