Exposure to false cardiac feedback alters pain perception and anticipatory cardiac frequency

  1. School of Psychology, University of Aberdeen
  2. School of Psychology, University of Plymouth
  3. Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical Sciences, “G. d’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, Italy
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Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    José Biurrun Manresa
    National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), National University of Entre Ríos (UNER), Oro Verde, Argentina
  • Senior Editor
    Christian Büchel
    University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

I read the paper by Parrotta et al with great interest. The authors are asking an interesting and important question regarding pain perception, which is derived from predictive processing accounts of brain function. They ask: If the brain indeed integrates information coming from within the body (interoceptive information) to comprise predictions about the expected incoming input and how to respond to it, could we provide false interoceptive information to modulate its predictions, and subsequently alter the perception of such input? To test this question, they use pain as the input and the sounds of heartbeats (falsified or accurate) as the interoceptive signal.

I found the question well-established, interesting, and important, with important implications and contributions for several fields, including neuroscience of prediction-perception, pain research, placebo research, and health psychology. The paper is well-written, the methods are adequate, and the findings largely support the hypothesis of the authors. The authors carried out a control experiment to rule out an alternative explanation of their finding, which was important.

I will list here one theoretical weakness or concern I had, and several methodological weaknesses.

The theoretical concern regards what I see as a misalignment between a hypothesis and a result, which could influence our understanding of the manipulation of heartbeats, and its meaning: The authors indicate from prior literature and find in their own findings, that when preparing for an aversive incoming stimulus, heartbeats *decrease*. However, in their findings, manipulating the heartbeats that participants hear to be slower than their own prior to receiving a painful stimulus had *no effect* on participants' actual heartbeats, nor on their pain perceptions. What authors did find is that when listening to heartbeats that are *increased* in frequency - that was when their own heartbeats decreased (meaning they expected an aversive stimulus) and their pain perceptions increased.

This is quite complex - but here is my concern: If the assumption is that the brain is collecting evidence from both outside and inside the body to prepare for an upcoming stimulus, and we know that *slowing down* of heartbeats predicts an aversive stimulus, why is it that participants responded in a change in pain perception and physiological response when listened to *increased heartbeats* and not decreased? My interpretation is that the manipulation did not fool the interoceptive signals that the brain collects, but rather the more conscious experience of participants, which may then have been translated to fear/preparation for the incoming stimulus. As the authors indicate in the discussion (lines 704-705), participants do not *know* that decreased heartbeats indicate upcoming aversive stimulus, and I would even argue the opposite - the common knowledge or intuitive response is to increase alertness when we hear increased heartbeats, like in horror films or similar scenarios. Therefore, the unfortunate conclusion is that what the authors assume is a manipulation of interoception - to me seems like a manipulation of participants' alertness or conscious experience of possible danger. I hope the (important) distinction between the two is clear enough because I find this issue of utmost importance for the point the paper is trying to make. If to summarize in one sentence - if it is decreased heartbeats that lead the brain to predict an approaching aversive input, and we assume the manipulation is altering the brain's interoceptive data collection, why isn't it responding to the decreased signal? --> My conclusion is, that this is not in fact a manipulation of interoception, unfortunately.

I will add that the control experiment - with an exteroceptive signal (knocking of wood) manipulated in a similar manner - could be seen as evidence of the fact that heartbeats are regarded as an interoceptive signal, and it is an important control experiment, however, to me it seems that what it is showing is the importance of human-relevant signals to pain prediction/perception, and not directly proves that it is considered interoceptive. For example, it could be experienced as a social cue of human anxiety/fear etc, and induce alertness.

Several additional, more methodological weaknesses include the very small number of trials per condition - the methods mention 18 test trials per participant for the 3 conditions, with varying pain intensities, which are later averaged (and whether this is appropriate is a different issue). This means 6 trials per condition, and only 2 trials per condition and pain intensity. I thought that this number could be increased, though it is not a huge concern of the paper. It is, however, needed to show some statistics about the distribution of responses, given the very small trial number (see recommendations for authors). The sample size is also rather small, on the verge of "just right" to meet the required sample size according to the authors' calculations. Finally, and just as important, the data exists to analyze participants' physiological responses (ECG) after receiving the painful stimulus - this could support the authors' claims about the change in both subjective and objective responses to pain. It could also strengthen the physiological evidence, which is rather weak in terms of its effect. Nevertheless, this is missing from the paper.

I have several additional recommendations regarding data analysis (using an ANOVA rather than multiple t-tests, using raw normalized data rather than change scores, questioning the averaging across 3 pain intensities) - which I will detail in the "recommendations for authors" section.

To conclude, the authors have shown in their findings that predictions about an upcoming aversive (pain) stimulus - and its subsequent subjective perception - can be altered not only by external expectations, or manipulating the pain cue, as was done in studies so far, but also by manipulating a cue that has fundamental importance to human physiological status, namely heartbeats. Whether this is a manipulation of actual interoception as sensed by the brain is - in my view - left to be proven.
Still, the paper has important implications in several fields of science ranging from neuroscience prediction-perception research, to pain and placebo research, and may have implications for clinical disorders, as the authors propose. Furthermore, it may lead - either the authors or someone else - to further test this interesting question of manipulation of interoception in a different or more controlled manner.

I salute the authors for coming up with this interesting question and encourage them to continue and explore ways to study it and related follow-up questions.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

In this manuscript, Parrotta et al. tested whether it is possible to modulate pain perception and heart rate by providing false HR acoustic feedback before administering electrical cutaneous shocks. To this end, they performed two experiments. The first experiment tested whether false HR acoustic feedback alters pain perception and the cardiac anticipatory response. The second experiment tested whether the same perceptual and physiological changes are observed when participants are exposed to a non-interoceptive feedback. The main results of the first experiment showed a modulatory effect for faster HR acoustic feedback on pain intensity, unpleasantness, and cardiac anticipatory response compared to a control (acoustic feedback congruent to the participant's actual HR). However, the results of the second experiment also showed an increase in pain ratings for the faster non-interoceptive acoustic feedback compared to the control condition, with no differences in pain unpleasantness or cardiac response.

The main strengths of the manuscript are the clarity with which it was written, and its solid theoretical and conceptual framework. The researchers make an in-depth review of predictive processing models to account for the complex experience of pain, and how these models are updated by perceptual and active inference. They follow with an account of how pain expectations modulate physiological responses and draw attention to the fact that most previous studies focus on exteroceptive cues. At this point, they make the link between pain experience and heart rate changes, and introduce their own previous work showing that people may illusorily perceive a higher cardiac frequency when expecting painful stimulation, even though anticipating pain typically goes along with a decrease in HR. From here, they hypothesize that false HR acoustic feedback evokes more intense and unpleasant pain perception, although the actual HR actually decreases due to the orienting cardiac response. Furthermore, they also test the hypothesis that an exteroceptive cue will lead to no (or less) changes in those variables. The discussion of their results is also well-rooted in the existing bibliography, and for the most part, provides a credible account of the findings.

The main weaknesses of the manuscript lies in a few choices in methodology and data analysis that hinder the interpretation of the results and the conclusions as they stand. The first peculiar choice is the convoluted definition of the outcomes. Specifically, pain intensity and unpleasantness are first normalized and then transformed into variation rates (sic) or deltas, which makes the interpretation of the results unnecessarily complicated. This is also linked to the definitions of the smallest effect of interest (SESOI) in terms of these outcomes, which is crucial to determining the sample size and gauging the differences between conditions. However, the choice of SESOI is not properly justified, and strangely, it changes from the first experiment to the second.

Furthermore, the researchers propose the comparison of faster vs. slower delta HR acoustic feedback throughout the manuscript when the natural comparison is the incongruent vs. the congruent feedback. This could be influenced by the fact that the faster HR exteroceptive cue in experiment 2 also shows a significant modulatory effect on pain intensity compared to congruent HR feedback, which puts into question the hypothesized differences between interoceptive vs. exteroceptive cues. These results could also be influenced by the specific choice of exteroceptive cue: the researchers imply that the main driver of the effect is the nature of the cue (interoceptive vs. exteroceptive) and not its frequency. However, they attempt to generalize their findings using knocking wood sounds to all possible sounds, but it is possible that some features of these sounds (e.g., auditory roughness or loomingness) could be the drivers behind the observed effects. Finally, it is noteworthy that the researchers divided the study into two experiments when it would have been optimal to test all the conditions with the same subjects in a randomized order in a single cross-over experiment to reduce between-subject variability.

Taking this into consideration, I believe that the conclusions are only partially supported by the evidence. Despite of the outcome transformations, a clear effect of faster HR acoustic feedback can be observed in the first experiment, which is larger than the proposed exteroceptive counterpart. This work could be of broad interest to pain researchers, particularly those working on predictive coding of pain.

Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


In their manuscript titled "Exposure to false cardiac feedback alters pain perception and anticipatory cardiac frequency", Parrotta and colleagues describe an experimental study on the interplay between false heart rate feedback and pain experience in healthy, adult humans. The experimental design is derived from Bayesian perspectives on interoceptive inference. In Experiment 1 (N=34), participants rated the intensity and unpleasantness of an electrical pulse presented to their middle fingers. Participants received auditory cardiac feedback prior to the electrical pulse. This feedback was congruent with the participant's heart rate or manipulated to have a higher or lower frequency than the participant's true heart rate (incongruent high/ low feedback). The authors find heightened ratings of pain intensity and unpleasantness as well as a decreased heart rate in participants who were exposed to the incongruent-high cardiac feedback. Experiment 2 (N=29) is equivalent to Experiment 1 with the exception that non-interoceptive auditory feedback was presented. Here, mean pain intensity and unpleasantness ratings were unaffected by feedback frequency.


The authors present interesting experimental data that was derived from modern theoretical accounts of interoceptive inference and pain processing.

1. The motivation for the study is well-explained and rooted within the current literature, whereas pain is the result of a multimodal, inferential process. The separation of nociceptive stimulation and pain experience is explained clearly and stringently throughout the text.

2. The idea of manipulating pain-related expectations via an internal, instead of an external cue, is very innovative.

3. An appropriate control experiment was implemented, where an external (non-physiological) auditory cue with parallel frequency to the cardiac cue was presented.

4. The chosen statistical methods are appropriate, albeit averaging may limit the opportunity for mechanistic insight, see weaknesses section.

5. The behavioral data, showing increased unpleasantness and intensity ratings after exposure to incongruent-high cardiac feedback, but not exteroceptive high-frequency auditory feedback, is backed up by ECG data. Here, the decrease in heart rate during the incongruent-high condition speaks towards a specific, expectation-induced physiological effect that can be seen as resulting from interoceptive inference.


Additional analyses and/ or more extensive discussion are needed to address these limitations:

1. I would like to know more about potential learning effects during the study. Is there a significant change in ∆ intensity and ∆ unpleasantness over time; e.g. in early trials compared to later trials? It would be helpful to exclude the alternative explanation that over time, participants learned to interpret the exteroceptive cue more in line with the cardiac cue, and the effect is driven by a lack of learning about the slightly less familiar cue (the exteroceptive cue) in early trials. In other words, the heartbeat-like auditory feedback might be "overlearned", compared to the less naturalistic tone, and more exposure to the less naturalistic cue might rule out any differences between them w.r.t. pain unpleasantness ratings.

2. The origin of the difference in Cohen's d (Exp. 1: .57, Exp. 2: .62) and subsequently sample size in the sensitivity analyses remains unclear, it would be helpful to clarify where these values are coming from (are they related to the effects reported in the results? If so, they should be marked as post-hoc analyses).

3. As an alternative explanation, it is conceivable that the cardiac cue may have just increased unspecific arousal or attention to a larger extent than the exteroceptive cue. It would be helpful to discuss the role of these rather unspecific mechanisms, and how it may have differed between experiments.

4. The hypothesis (increased pain intensity with incongruent-high cardiac feedback) should be motivated by some additional literature.

5. The discussion section does not address the study's limitations in a sufficient manner. For example, I would expect a more thorough discussion on the lack of correlation between participant ratings and self-reported bodily awareness and reactivity, as assessed with the BPQ.
a. Some short, additional information on why the authors chose to focus on body awareness and supradiaphragmatic reactivity subscales would be helpful.

6. The analyses presented in this version of the manuscript allow only limited mechanistic conclusions - a computational model of participant's behavior would be a very strong addition to the paper. While this may be out of the scope of the article, it would be helpful for the reader to discuss the limitations of the presented analyses and outline avenues towards a more mechanistic understanding and analysis of the data. The computational model in [7] might contain some starting ideas.

Some additional topics were not considered in the first version of the manuscript:
1. The possible advantages of a computational model of task behavior should be discussed.
2. Across both experiments, there was a slightly larger number of female participants. Research suggests significant sex-related differences in pain processing [1,2]. It would be interesting to see what role this may have played in this data.
3. There are a few very relevant papers that come to mind which may be of interest. These sources might be particularly useful when discussing the roadmap towards a mechanistic understanding of the inferential processes underlying the task responses [3,4] and their clinical implications.
4. In this version of the paper, we only see plots that illustrate ∆ scores, averaged across pain intensities - to better understand participant responses and the relationship with stimulus intensity, it would be helpful to see a more descriptive plot of task behavior (e.g. stimulus intensity and raw pain ratings)

[1] Mogil, J. S. (2020). Qualitative sex differences in pain processing: emerging evidence of a biased literature. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 21(7), 353-365. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41583-020-0310-6
[2] Sorge, R. E., & Strath, L. J. (2018). Sex differences in pain responses. Current Opinion in Physiology, 6, 75-81. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2468867318300786?via%3Dihub
[3] Unal, O., Eren, O. C., Alkan, G., Petzschner, F. H., Yao, Y., & Stephan, K. E. (2021). Inference on homeostatic belief precision. Biological Psychology, 165, 108190.
[4] Allen, M., Levy, A., Parr, T., & Friston, K. J. (2022). In the body's eye: the computational anatomy of interoceptive inference. PLoS Computational Biology, 18(9), e1010490.
[5] Stephan, K. E., Manjaly, Z. M., Mathys, C. D., Weber, L. A., Paliwal, S., Gard, T., ... & Petzschner, F. H. (2016). Allostatic self-efficacy: A metacognitive theory of dyshomeostasis-induced fatigue and depression. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 10, 550.
[6] Friston, K. J., Stephan, K. E., Montague, R., & Dolan, R. J. (2014). Computational psychiatry: the brain as a phantastic organ. The Lancet Psychiatry, 1(2), 148-158.
[7] Eckert, A. L., Pabst, K., & Endres, D. M. (2022). A Bayesian model for chronic pain. Frontiers in Pain Research, 3, 966034.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation