NPR-15 loss-of-function inhibits pathogen avoidance behavior in an ASJ-dependent manner.
A. WT, npr-15(tm12539), and npr-15(tm12539);Prab-3::npr-15 animals were exposed to partial lawn of S. aureus and scored for lawn occupancy. WT vs npr-15(tm12539), P < 0.0001; npr-15(tm12539);Prab-3::npr-15, P=NS.
B. WT, npr-15(tm12539), ASJ(-), and ASJ(-);npr-15(tm12539) animals were exposed to partial lawn of S. aureus and scored for lawn occupancy. WT vs npr-15(tm12539), P < 0.0001; ASJ(-), P < 0.001; ASJ(-);npr-15(tm12539), P < 0.0001. ASJ(-) vs. ASJ(-);npr-15(tm12539), P =NS.
C. WT, npr-15(tm12539), and npr-15(tm12539);Ptrx-1::npr-15 animals were exposed to partial lawn of S. aureus and scored for lawn occupancy. WT vs npr-15(tm12539), P < 0.0001; npr-15(tm12539);Ptrx-1::npr-15, P=NS.
D. WT, npr-15(tm12539), ASE(-), and ASE(-);npr-15(tm12539) animals were exposed to partial lawn of S. aureus and scored for lawn occupancy. WT vs npr-15(tm12539), P < 0.0001; ASE(-), P < 0.001; ASE(-);npr-15(tm12539), P < 0.05. ASE(-) vs. ASE(-);npr-15(tm12539), P < 0.0001.
E. WT, npr-15(tm12539), ASI(-), and ASI(-);npr-15(tm12539) animals were exposed to partial lawn of S. aureus and scored for lawn occupancy. WT vs npr-15(tm12539), P < 0.001; ASI(-), P < 0.001; ASI(-);npr-15(tm12539), P < 0.0001. ASI(-) vs. ASI(-);npr-15(tm12539), P < 0.001.
F. WT, npr-15(tm12539), and AFD(-) animals were exposed to partial lawn of S. aureus and scored for lawn occupancy. WT vs npr-15(tm12539), P < 0.001; AFD(-), P =NS.
G. WT, npr-15(tm12539), and AWC(-) animals were exposed to partial lawn of S. aureus and scored for lawn occupancy. WT vs npr-15(tm12539), P < 0.001; AWC(-), P =NS.
H. WT and npr-15(tm12539) fed with gon-2 RNAi and were exposed to the partial lawn of S. aureus and scored for lawn occupancy. EV, empty vector RNAi control. WT EV vs WT;gon-2, P<0.0001; npr-15(tm12539);gon-2, P<0.0001. WT;gon-2 vs npr-15(tm12539);gon-2, P=NS.
I. WT and npr-15(tm12539) fed with gtl-2 RNAi and were exposed to the partial lawn of S. aureus and scored for lawn occupancy. EV, empty vector RNAi control. WT EV vs WT;gtl-2, P<0.001; npr-15(tm12539);gtl-2, P<0.0001. WT;gtl-2 vs npr-15(tm12539);gtl-2, P<0.001.
J. WT, npr-15(tm12539), RNAi intestine-specific strain MGH171, MGH171; npr-15(tm12539) fed with gon-2 RNAi and were exposed to the partial lawn of S. aureus and scored for lawn occupancy. EV, empty vector RNAi control. MGH171 EV vs MGH171;gon-2, P<0.0001. MHG171;gon-2 vs npr-15(tm12539);gon-2, P=NS.
K. WT, npr-15(tm12539), ASJ(-), ASJ(-);npr-15(tm12539) fed with gon-2 RNAi and were exposed to the partial lawn of S. aureus and scored for lawn occupancy. EV, empty vector RNAi control. WT;gon-2 RNAi vs ASJ(-);gon-2, P=NS.