Figures and data

Illustration of the residue-level coarse-grained explicit-ion model for chromatin simulations.
The left panel presents a snapshot for the simulation box of a 147-bp nucleosome in a solution of 100 mM NaCl and 0.5 mM MgCl2. The nucleosomal DNA and histone proteins are colored in red and white, respectively. The Zoom-in on the right highlights the condensation of ions around the nucleosome, with Na+ in cyan and Mg2+ in yellow. Negative residues of the histone proteins are colored in pink.

Explicit ion modeling reproduces the energetics of nucleosomal DNA unwrapping.
(A) Illustration of the umbrella simulation setup using the end-to-end distance between two DNA termini as the collective variable. The same color scheme as in Fig. 1 is adopted. Only ions close to the nucleosomes are shown for clarity. (B) Comparison between simulated (black) and experimental (red) free energy profile as a function of the unwrapped DNA base pairs. Error bars were computed as the standard deviation of three independent estimates. (C) The average number of Na+ ions within 10 °A of the nucleosomal DNA (top) and Cl− ions within 10 °A of histone proteins (bottom) are shown as a function of the unwrapped DNA base pairs.

Explicit ion modeling predicts salt-dependent conformations of a 12-mer nucleosome array.
(A) Top: Comparison of simulated and experimental60 sedimentation coefficients of chromatin at different salt concentrations. Bottom: Number of DNA charges neutralized by bound cations (yellow, left y-axis label) and the fraction of ions bound to DNA (red, right y-axis label) at different salt concentrations. The error bars were estimated from the standard deviation of simulated probability distributions (Fig. S2) (B) Representative chromatin structures with sedimentation coefficients around the mean values at different salt concentrations.

Close contacts give rise to strong internucleosomal interactions.
(A) Illustration of the simulation protocol employed to mimic the nucleosome unbinding pathway dictated by the DNA origami device.43 The three configurations, A1, A2, and A3, corresponding to the three cyan dots in part B at distances 62.7, 80.2, and 96.3°A. For comparison, a tightly bound configuration uncovered in simulations without any restraints of nucleosome movement is shown as A1’. The number of contacts formed by histone tails and DNA (Htail-DNA) and by histone core and DNA (Hcore-DNA) from different nucleosomes are shown for A1 and A1’. (B) Free energy profile as a function of the distance between the geometric centers of the two nucleosomes, computed from unrestrained (black) and DNA origami-restrained simulations (red). Error bars were computed as the standard deviation of three independent estimates. (C) Average inter-nucleosomal contacts between DNA and histone tail (orange) and core (blue) residues, computed from unrestrained and DNA origami-restrained simulations. Error bars were computed as the standard deviation of three independent estimates.

Simulations predict significant internucleosome interactions at physiological conditions.
(A) Illustration of the collective variable, θ defined as the angle between two nucleosomal planes, and r defined as the distance between the nucleosome geometric centers. w⃗1 and w⃗2 represent the axes perpendicular to the nucleosomal planes. (B) The 2D binding free energy profile as a function of θ and r at the physiological salt condition (150mM NaCl and 2mM MgCl2) for nucleosomes with the 601 sequence. (C) Dependence of nucleosome binding free energy on nucleosome repeat length (NRL) and linker histone H1.0. (D) Representative structure showing linker histones (orange and green) mediating inter-nucleosomal contacts.