Characteristics and treatments of Mus musculus CD-1 and Peromyscus leucopus LL stock

Total white blood cells, neutrophils, and lymphocytes of Mus musculus (M) and Peromyscus leucopus (P) with or without (control; C) treatment with 10 µg lipopolysaccharide (LPS; L) per g body mass 4 h previous. The box plots of left and center panels show values of individual animals and compile median, quartiles, and extreme values. The linear regressions of the right panel are color-coded according to the species and treatment designations. The outlier value for a M. musculus control was excluded from the linear regression for that group.

Principle component analysis of genome-wide RNA-seq data of P. leucopus or M. musculus with (red dot) or without (blue dot) treatment with LPS 4 h previous. The individual animals listed in Table 1 are indicated on the graphs.

Gene Ontology (GO) terms associated with up-regulated genes (upper panels) and down-regulated genes (lower panels) of P. leucopus and M. musculus treated with LPS in comparison with untreated controls of each species.

Scatter plots with linear regression of pairs of log-transformed (ln) normalized RNA-seq reads for selected coding sequences for control P. leucopus and M. musculus (left panel) and LPS-treated P. leucopus and M. musculus (right panel). The coefficients of determination (R2) and selected genes (each by a different symbol) are indicated in each graph.

Targeted RNA-seq of blood of Peromyscus leucopus and Mus musculus 4 hours after intraperitoneal injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or saline control

RT-qPCR of blood of LPS-treated P. leucopus and M. musculus

Targeted RNA-seq of P. leucopus blood in 12 h and 1 µg/g LPS experiment

Box plots of log-transformed ratios of four pairs of gene transcripts from targeted RNA-seq analysis of blood of P. leucopus (P) or M. musculus (M) with (L) or without (C) treatment with LPS.

Transcripts of interferon-gamma (γ) and interleukin-1 beta (β) by targeted RNA-seq of the blood of P. leucopus (P) or M. musculus (M) with (L) or without (C) treatment with LPS. The top panels are box plots of the individual values. The lower left panel is a scatter plot of interleukin-1 β on interferon-γ values. The lower right panel is a Discriminant Analysis of these pairs of values where Factor 1 corresponds to interferon-γ, and Factor 2 corresponds to interleukin-1 β.

Hematology, cytokines, and targeted RNA-seq of LPS-treated and control rats

Normalized transcripts of Nos2, Ifng, and Cd69 in targeted RNA-seq analysis of blood of P. leucopus (P) or M. musculus (M) with (L) or without (C) treatment with LPS. Upper left: scatter plot of individual values for Nos2 on Ifng with linear regression curve and coefficient of determination (R2). Upper right: natural logarithm (ln) of ratios of Nos2/Argi1 on Ifng/IL1b with regression curve and R2. Lower left: Box plots of individual values of normalized transcripts of Cd69. Lower right: Scatter plot of Ifng on Cd69 with separate regression curves and R2 values for M. musculus and P. leucopus.

Co-variation between transcripts for selected PRRs (yellow) and ISGs (gree) in the blood of P. leucopus (P) or (M) with (L) or without (C). Top panel: matrix of coefficients of determination (R2). Bottom panels: scatter plots of log-transformed normalized Mx2 transcripts on Rigi (left), Ifih1 (center), and Gbp4 (right). The linear regression curves are for each species. For the right bottom graph the results from the General Linear Model (GLM) estimate are given.

Scatter plots of endogenous retrovirus (ERV) Env and Gag-pol protein gene transcription (left) and association of ERV Env with Rigi transcription (right) in the blood of P. leucopus (Pero; P), M. musculus (Mus; M), or R. norvegicus (Rattus) with (L) or without (control; C) treatment with LPS. In right panel the linear regression curve and coefficients of determination (R2) for P. leucopus and M. musculus are shown.

Summary of distinguishing features of transcriptional responses in the blood between P. leucopus and M. musculus 4 h after treatment with LPS. There is semi-quantitative representation of relative transcription of selected coding sequences or ratios of transcription for selected pairs of genes in the blood.