FRQ and its homologs, dPER1 and hPER1, have similarly disparate physicochemical properties compared to their proteomes. (A) Shown are the distribution of fraction of charged residues (FCR), net charge per residue (NCPR), and hydropathy along the sequence of FRQ, dPER1 and hPER1. (B) Sequence characteristics of FRQ and its homologs, dPER1 and hPER1. Various protein sequence parameters are calculated using localCIDER (Holehouse, et al., 2017) and displayed including fraction of charged residues (FCR), the degree of charge mixing (Kappa), net charge per residue (NCPR), and hydropathy (the hydrophobic and hydrophilic character of protein chain as defined by (Kyte, et al., 1982)) for the UniProtRef50 clusters of FRQ (purple), dPER1(blue) and hPER1 (orange). For comparison are shown protein sequences of similar length from the SWISS-Prot reviewed proteomes of Neurospora crassa (light purple), Drosophila melanogaster (light blue) and Homo sapiens (light orange). Hydropathy is consistently low for the clock proteins and FRQ orthologs have a high degree of charge separation, i.e., tracks of negative and positive residues (high kappa). High kappa values are common for proteins that phase separate (Somjee, et al., 2020). (C) Classification of the charge properties of the Ref50 clusters of FRQ and its functional homologs, dPER1 and hPER1. Das- Pappu phase plots showing the fraction of negatively vs positively charge residues for the UniProtRef50 clusters of FRQ (purple), Neurospora crassa proteome control (light purple), dPER1 (blue), Drosophila melanogaster proteome control (light blue), hPER1 (orange) and Homo sapiens proteome control (light orange). Shown are the fraction of negative residues versus fraction of positive residues for each cluster of homologs and their controls (similar size proteins from their respective proteomes). Despite the lack of amino acid conservation between the functional homologs of FRQ, dPER1 and hPER1, the ratio of fraction negative to fraction positive residues are similar among the clock proteins. dPER and hPER1 have a similarly low value of both fraction positive and fraction negative compared to their respective proteomes, whereas the fraction positive and fraction negative residues are both higher in FRQ. Note: Ref50 is a clustering method utilized by UniProt and is defined in (Steinegger, et al., 2018). While this work was in preparation, conceptually similar analyses were carried out by Jankowski et al., 2022 (Jankowski, et al., 2022).