Homeostatic Synaptic Plasticity of Miniature Excitatory Postsynaptic Currents in Mouse Cortical Cultures Requires Neuronal Rab3A

  1. Department of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Neurobiology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, United States
  2. Department of Neuroscience, Cell Biology and Physiology, Boonshoft School of Medicine, Wright State University, Dayton, United States
  3. Department of Neuroscience, Cell Biology and Physiology, Boonshoft School of Medicine and the College of Science and Mathematics, Wright State University, Dayton, United States

Peer review process

Revised: This Reviewed Preprint has been revised by the authors in response to the previous round of peer review; the eLife assessment and the public reviews have been updated where necessary by the editors and peer reviewers.

Read more about eLife’s peer review process.


  • Reviewing Editor
    Dion Dickman
    University of Southern California, Los Angeles, United States of America
  • Senior Editor
    Lu Chen
    Stanford University, Stanford, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public review):

Koesters and colleagues investigated the role of the small GTPase Rab3A in homeostatic scaling of miniature synaptic transmission in primary mouse cortical cultures using electrophysiology and immunohistochemistry. The major finding is that TTX incubation for 48 hours does not induce an increase in the amplitude of excitatory synaptic miniature events in neuronal cortical cultures derived from Rab3A KO and Rab3A Earlybird mutant mice. NASPM application had comparable effects on mEPSC amplitude in control and after TTX, implying that Ca2+-permeable glutamate receptors are unlikely modulated during synaptic scaling. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed no significant changes in GluA2 puncta size, intensity, and integral after TTX treatment in control and Rab3A KO cultures. Finally, they provide evidence that loss of Rab3A in neurons, but not astrocytes, blocks homeostatic scaling. Based on these data, the authors propose a model in which neuronal Rab3A is required for homeostatic scaling of synaptic transmission, potentially through GluA2-independent mechanisms.

The major finding - impaired homeostatic up-scaling after TTX treatment in Rab3A KO and Rab3 earlybird mutant neurons - is supported by data of high quality. However, the paper falls short of providing any evidence or direction regarding potential mechanisms. The data on GluA2 modulation after TTX incubation are likely statistically underpowered, and do not allow drawing solid conclusions, such as GluA2-independent mechanisms of up-scaling.

The study should be of interest to the field because it implicates a presynaptic molecule in homeostatic scaling, which is generally thought to involve postsynaptic neurotransmitter receptor modulation. However, it remains unclear how Rab3A participates in homeostatic plasticity.

Major (remaining) point:

(1) Direct quantitative comparison between electrophysiology and GluA2 imaging data is complicated by many factors, such as different signal-to-noise ratios. Hence, comparing the variability of the increase in mini amplitude vs. GluA2 fluorescence area is not valid. Thus, I recommend removing the sentence "We found that the increase in postsynaptic AMPAR levels was more variable than that of mEPSC amplitudes, suggesting other factors may contribute to the homeostatic increase in synaptic strength." from the abstract.
Similarly, the data do not directly support the conclusion of GluA2-independent mechanisms of homeostatic scaling. Statements like "We conclude that these data support the idea that there is another contributor to the TTX- induced increase in quantal size." should be thus revised or removed.

Reviewer #2 (Public review):

I thank the authors for their efforts in the revision. In general, I believe the main conclusion that Rab3A is required for TTX-induced homeostatic synaptic plasticity is well-supported by the data presented, and this is an important addition to the repertoire of molecular players involved in homeostatic compensations. I also acknowledge that the authors are more cautious in making conclusions based on the current evidence, and the structure and logic have been much improved.

The only major concern I have still falls on the interpretation of the mismatch between GluA2 cluster size and mEPSC amplitude. The authors argue that they are only trying to say that changes in the cluster size are more variable than those in the mEPSC amplitude, and they provide multiple explanations for this mismatch. It seems incongruous to state that the simplest explanation is a presynaptic factor when you have all these alternative factors that very likely have contributed to the results. Further, the authors speculate in the discussion that Rab3A does not regulate postsynaptic GluA2 but instead regulates a presynaptic contributor. Do the authors mean that, in their model, the mEPSC amplitude increases can be attributed to two factors- postsynaptic GluA2 regulation and a presynaptic contribution (which is regulated by Rab3A)? If so, and Rab3A does not affect GluA2 whatsoever, shouldn't we see GluA2 increase even in the absence of Rab3A? The data in Table 1 seems to indicate otherwise.

I also question the way the data are presented in Figure 5. The authors first compare 3 cultures and then 5 cultures altogether, if these experiments are all aimed to answer the same research question, then they should be pooled together. Interestingly, the additional two cultures both show increases in GluA2 clusters, which makes the decrease in culture #3 even more perplexing, for which the authors comment in line 261 that this is due to other factors. Shouldn't this be an indicator that something unusual has happened in this culture? Data in this figure is sufficient to support that GluA2 increases are variable across cultures, which hardly adds anything new to the paper or to the field. The authors further cite a study with comparable sample sizes, which shows a similar mismatch based on p values (Xu and Pozzo-Miller 2007), yet the effect sizes in this study actually match quite well (both ~160%). P values cannot be used to show whether two effects match, but effect sizes can. Therefore, the statement in lines 411-413 "... consistently leads to an increase in mEPSC amplitudes, and sometimes leads to an increase in synaptic GluA2 receptor cluster size" is not very convincing, and can hardly be used to support "the idea that there are additional sources contributing to the homeostatic increase in quantal size".

I would suggest simply showing mEPSC and immunostaining data from all cultures in this experiment as additional evidence for homeostatic synaptic plasticity in WT cultures, and leave out the argument for "mismatch". The presynaptic location of Rab3A is sufficient to speculate a presynaptic regulation of this form of homeostatic compensation.

Minor concerns:

(1) Line 214, I see the authors cite literature to argue that GluA2 can form homomers and can conduct currents. While GluA2 subunits edited at the Q/R site (they are in nature) can form homomers with very low efficiency in exogenous systems such as HEK293 cells (as done in the cited studies), it's unlikely for this to happen in neurons (they can hardly traffick to synapses if possible at all).

(2) Lines 221-222, the authors may have misinterpreted the results in Turrigiano 1998. This study does not show that the increase in receptors is most dramatic in the apical dendrite, in fact, this is the only region they have tested. The results in Figures 3b-c show that the effect size is independent of the distance from soma.

(3) Lines 309-310 (and other places mentioning TNFa), the addition of TNFa to this experiment seems out of place. The authors have not performed any experiment to validate the presence/absence of TNFa in their system (citing only 1 study from another lab is insufficient). Although it's convincing that glia Rab3A is not required for homeostatic plasticity here, the data does not suggest Rab3A's role (or the lack of) for TNFa in this process.

Reviewer #3 (Public review):

This manuscript presents a number of interesting findings that have the potential to increase our understanding of the mechanism underlying homeostatic synaptic plasticity (HSP). The data broadly support that Rab3A plays a role in HSP, although the site and mechanism of action remain uncertain.

The authors clearly demonstrate that Rab3A plays a role in HSP at excitatory synapses, with substantially less plasticity occurring in the Rab3A KO neurons. There is also no apparent HSP in the Earlybird Rab3A mutation, although baseline synaptic strength is already elevated. In this context, it is unclear if the plasticity is absent, already induced by this mutation, or just occluded by a ceiling effect due to the synapses already being strengthened. Occlusion may also occur in the mixed cultures when Rab3A is missing from neurons but not astrocytes. The authors do appropriately discuss these options. The authors have solid data showing that Rab3A is unlikely to be active in astrocytes, Finally, they attempt to study the linkage between changes in synaptic strength and AMPA receptor trafficking during HSP, and conclude that trafficking may not be solely responsible for the changes in synaptic strength during HSP.


This work adds another player into the mechanisms underlying an important form of synaptic plasticity. The plasticity is likely only reduced, suggesting Rab3A is only partially required and perhaps multiple mechanisms contribute. The authors speculate about some possible novel mechanisms, including whether Rab3A is active pre-synaptically to regulate quantal amplitude.

As Rab3A is primarily known as a pre-synaptic molecule, this possibility is intriguing. However, it is based on the partial dissociation of AMPAR trafficking and synaptic response and lacks strong support. On average, they saw a similar magnitude of change in mEPSC amplitude and GluA2 cluster area and integral, but the GluA2 data was not significant due to higher variability. It is difficult to determine if this is due to biology or methodology - the imaging method involves assessing puncta pairs (GluA2/VGlut1) clearly associated with a MAP2 labeled dendrite. This is a small subset of synapses, with usually less than 20 synapses per neuron analyzed, which would be expected to be more variable than mEPSC recordings averaged across several hundred events. However, when they reduce the mEPSC number of events to similar numbers as the imaging, the mESPC amplitudes are still less variable than the imaging data. The reason for this remains unclear. The pool of sampled synapses is still different between the methods and recent data has shown that synapses have variable responses during HSP. Further, there could be variability in the subunit composition of newly inserted AMPARs, and only assessing GluA2 could mask this (see below). It is intriguing that pre-synaptic changes might contribute to HSP, especially given the likely localization of Rab3A. But it remains difficult to distinguish if the apparent difference in imaging and electrophysiology is a methodological issue rather than a biological one. Stronger data, especially positive data on changes in release, will be necessary to conclude that pre-synaptic factors are required for HSP, beyond the established changes in post-synaptic receptor trafficking.

Other questions arise from the NASPM experiments, used to justify looking at GluA2 (and not GluA1) in the immunostaining. First, there is a strong frequency effect that is unclear in origin. One would expect NASPM to merely block some fraction of the post-synaptic current, and not affect pre-synaptic release or block whole synapses. But the change in frequency seems to argue (as the authors do) that some synapses only have CP-AMPARs, while the rest of the synapses have few or none. Another possibility is that there are pre-synaptic NASPM-sensitive receptors that influence release probability. Further, the amplitude data show a strong trend towards smaller amplitude following NASPM treatment (Fig 3B). The p value for both control and TTX neurons was 0.08 - it is very difficult to argue that there is no effect. The decrease on average is larger in the TTX neurons, and some cells show a strong effect. It is possible there is some heterogeneity between neurons on whether GluA1/A2 heteromers or GluA1 homomers are added during HSP. This would impact the conclusions about the GluA2 imaging as compared to the mEPSC amplitude data.

To understand the role of Rab3A in HSP will require addressing two main issues:

(1) Is Rab3A acting pre-synaptically, post-synaptically or both? The authors provide good evidence that Rab3A is acting within neurons and not astrocytes. But where it is acting (pre or post) would aid substantially in understanding its role. The general view in the field has been that HSP is regulated post-synaptically via regulation of AMPAR trafficking, and considerable evidence supports this view. More concrete support for the authors' suggestion of a pre-synaptic site of control would be helpful.

(2) Rab3A is also found at inhibitory synapses. It would be very informative to know if HSP at inhibitory synapses is similarly affected. This is particularly relevant as at inhibitory synapses, one expects a removal of GABARs or a decrease in GABA release (ie the opposite of whatever is happening at excitatory synapses). If both processes are regulated by Rab3A, this might suggest a role for this protein more upstream in the signaling; an effect only at excitatory synapses would argue for a more specific role just at those synapses.

Author response:

The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.

Since multiple Reviewers requested that the results describing effects of TTX treatment on GluA2 receptor levels detected by immunofluorescence and confocal imaging be revised, we have made substantial changes, which are described below. We believe the changes have greatly improved the manuscript and thank the reviewers for their comments.

Lack of significant increase in GluA2 receptor data is due to too few cultures sampled; anything could have happened [in one] particular dissociation. A concern that the TTX effect might vary greatly from culture to culture was why we felt it was important to match the receptor measurements on the same cultures that we recorded mEPSCs. We now present the culture means in Figure 5A (mEPSCs) and 5B (GluA2 receptor cluster size). These plots make it clear that the variability in the GluA2 receptor cluster size effect is not attributable to a failure of that culture to show a homeostatic effect. That is, the variability in GluA2 receptor effect is independent of the variability in mEPSC effect. To increase sample size, we examined 2 additional cultures for synaptic GluA2 receptor levels in control vs. TTX treatment. These cultures showed very modest increases (Figure 5C). When cell means from these experiments were pooled with those from the 3 matched cultures, the TTX effect was still not statistically significant (Figure 5G).

Lack of significant increase in GluA2 receptor data is due to the choice to restrict our analysis to the primary dendrite, close to the cell body. We restricted our analysis to the primary dendrite because Figure 3 in Turrigiano et al, 1998, shows the increased response to exogenously applied glutamate after TTX treatment is greatest close to the cell body and wanes as the glutamate is applied further away (added to Results, new lines 388-389).

Variability in GluA2 receptor data is due to the much smaller number of synapses sampled, compared to mEPSCs. We matched the sampling for mEPSC amplitude data to that of imaging data by taking only 20 samples from each electrophysiological recording. Each mEPSC represents one synapse; in a set of 20 mEPSCs some might come from the same synapse, so that we are sampling from £ 20 synapses. The effect of TTX on mEPSC amplitudes remained significant despite the reduced samples per cell (Figure 5A).

Why do we fail to show a significant increase in receptors when this has been shown in many studies?

We have added to our discussion the point that several studies, including Wang et al. 2019, use the number of puncta, rather than the number of cells, as the sample number. We ran an analysis of GluA2 receptor cluster size where we sampled multiple synapses per cell, and used the number of clusters as the sample n. We found that even with as few as 6 synapses randomly selected from each cell, the effect of TTX on GluA2 receptor cluster size became highly significant (p = 0.001 for data from 3 cultures and p = 0.005 for data from 5 cultures) (see new lines 400-406 in Discussion). In sum, our data are not very different from that of some previous studies. We are not arguing that receptors do not increase. Instead our point is that the increase is more variable than the increase in MESPC amplitude and thus takes a much bigger sample size to detect. In sum, the difference between the mEPSC data and the receptor data is that the mEPSC data consistently show a ~20-25% increase, whereas the receptor data do not always show an increase and sometimes the increase is only ~10%. Finally, we added two matched culture experiments examining synaptic GluA1 receptor cluster characteristics. GluA1 receptor cluster size decreased in one culture, and increased very modestly in the other (Supplemental Figure 1B), whereas mEPSC amplitude robustly increased (Supplemental Figure 1A; Results, new lines 265-268).

We conclude that these data support the idea that there is another contributor to the TTXinduced increase in quantal size.

Other changes in presentation of GluA2 receptor results: Since the effects on intensity and integral are of lesser magnitude than that on cluster size, we have removed these results from the graphs, although they are presented in Table 1. We have removed Figure 6, the presentation of individual culture results, since these results are now conveyed in Figure 5A-C. We have removed graphs depicting GluA2 receptor cluster size in response to TTX in Rab3A-/- cultures, but these data are still presented in Table 1.

We address other detailed comments below.

Public Reviews:

Reviewer #1 (Public review):

(2) The effects of Rab3A on TTX-induced mini frequency modulation remains unclear, because TTX does not induce a change in mini frequency in the Rab3A+/Ebd control (Fig. 2). The respective conclusions should be revised accordingly (l. 427).

The effects on mini frequency were added for completeness, but given the lack of consistently significant changes with TTX treatment or changes in the KO or Rab3AEbd/Ebd cultures, we have removed comment on these results from the Discussion.

(3) The model is still not supported by the data. In particular, data supporting a negative regulation of Rab3A by APs, Rab3A-dependent release of a tropic factor, or a Rab3Adependent increase in GluA2 abundance are not presented.

We have removed the model from the manuscript.

(4) Data points are not overlapping and appear "quantal" in most box plots. How were the data rounded?

The appearance of quantal variation in cell amplitude means is due to the binning that is part of the creation of the box plot. We have not remade the figures without binning, because the binning provides a visual depiction of the distribution of the data points. We have added the bin sizes to the appropriate figure legends.

Reviewer #2 (Public review):

However, the authors still have not provided further investigation of the mechanisms behind the role of Rab3A in this form of plasticity, and the revision therefore has added little to the significance of the study. Moreover, the experimental design for the investigation of the mismatch between mEPSC amplitude and GluA2 cluster fluorescence remains questionable, making it difficult to draw any credible conclusions from groups of data that not only look similar to the eye but also show no significance statistically.

To our knowledge, no other study has matched measurements of mEPSC amplitude in the same cultures where synaptic receptor levels were assessed. As stated above, we have revised the presentation of GluA2 receptor results, concluding from the lack of significant effects on receptor levels that the mEPSC amplitude increase cannot be fully explained by the receptor data (which is strengthened by addition of two more cultures analyzed for GluA2 immunofluorescence). This is an important addition to the significance of the study.

In summary, this study establishes that neuronal Rab3A plays a role in homeostatic synaptic plasticity, but so do a number of other molecules that have been implicated in homeostatic synaptic plasticity in the past two decades (only will grow with the new techniques such as RNAseq). Without going beyond this finding and demonstrating how exactly Rab3A participates in the induction and/or expression of this form of plasticity, or maybe the potential Rab3A-mediated functional and behavioral defects in vivo, the contribution of the current study to the field is limited. However, given the presynaptic location of Rab3A, this finding could serve as a starting point for researchers interested in pre-postsynaptic cross-talk during homeostatic plasticity in general.

We previously published a review in which we list 19 molecules known at that time to be important for homeostatic synaptic plasticity (see Table 2, Koesters et al., 2024), and they fall into two categories: molecules involved in glutamate receptor expression or trafficking, and signaling molecules. Rab3A is the first synaptic vesicle protein to be implicated in homeostatic plasticity of quantal size. We have added this point to the Discussion, new lines 473-476. By demonstrating that Rab3A is not acting in glia (which release TNF, which regulates receptor expression), and that GluA2 receptor levels do not explain the homeostatic mEPSC increase in our experimental conditions, we have ruled out two major mechanisms.

Reviewer #3 (Public review):

Other questions arise from the NASPM experiments, used to justify looking at GluA2 (and not GluA1) in the immunostaining. First, there is a frequency effect that is unclear in origin. One would expect NASPM to merely block some fraction of the post-synaptic current, and not affect pre-synaptic release or block whole synapses. However the change in frequency seems to argue (as the authors do) that some synapses only have CP-AMPARs, while the rest of the synapses have few or none. Another possibility is that there are pre-synaptic NASPM-sensitive receptors that influence release probability. Further, the amplitude data show a strong trend towards smaller amplitude following NASPM treatment (Fig 3B). The p value for both control and TTX neurons was 0.08 - it is very difficult to argue that there is no effect. The decrease on average is larger in the TTX neurons, and some cells show a strong effect. It is possible there is some heterogeneity between neurons on whether GluA1/A2 heteromers or GluA1 homomers are added during HSP. This would impact the weakly supported conclusions about the GluA2 imaging vs mEPSC amplitude data.

We cannot rule out that the NAPSM-induced decrease in mEPSC frequency is due to a loss of presynaptic glutamate receptor enhancement of release probability, and have added this statement to the Results, new lines 202-204. Regarding the p value of 0.08—we are not arguing that NASPM has no effect on mEPSC amplitude, only that it has no effect on the homeostatic increase in amplitude after TTX treatment. An increase in GluA1/A2 heteromers should have been detected in our imaging studies.

Unaddressed issues that would greatly increase the impact of the paper:

(1) Is Rab3A acting pre-synaptically, post-synaptically or both? The authors provide good evidence that Rab3A is acting within neurons and not astrocytes. But where it is acting (pre or post) would aid substantially in understanding its role. They could use sparse knockdown of Rab3A, or simply mix cultures from KO and WT mice (with appropriate tags/labels). The general view in the field has been that HSP is regulated post-synaptically via regulation of AMPAR trafficking, and considerable evidence supports this view. The more support for their suggestion of a pre-synaptic site of control, the better.

We agree that doing co-cultures of Rab3A-/- and Rab3A+/+ neurons is the definitive experiment to determine the locus of action of Rab3A in homeostatic synaptic plasticity. We hope to examine this question in a future manuscript.

(2) Rab3A is also found at inhibitory synapses. It would be very informative to know if HSP at inhibitory synapses is similarly affected. This is particularly relevant as at inhibitory synapses, one expects a removal of GABARs (ie the opposite of whatever is happening at excitatory synapses). If both processes are regulated by Rab3A, this might suggest a role for this protein more upstream in the signaling; an effect only at excitatory synapses would argue for a more specific role just at these synapses.

We agree that it would be very interesting to determine if the homeostatic decrease in mIPSCs after activity blockade depends on Rab3A. We hope to address this question in the future.

Recommendations for the authors:

Reviewer #3 (Recommendations for the authors):

Minor points:

The abstract is a bit repetitive in places. Some editing would be advised.

We did not identify anything repetitive in the abstract except the parallel construction referring to the previous findings at the NMJ and current findings in cortical neurons. However, we have eliminated a section in the introduction which went into detail about the receptor imaging results (previous lines 103-110).

Line 77: 'shift toward early awakening' is unclear; do you mean shorter sleep/wake cycle? Other circadian issues? A more complete description is needed.

We have moved the additional detail about the Earlybird mutation’s effect on circadian period from the Results to the Introduction, new lines 77 to 79.

The results section has many passages that seem more like discussion, offering various interpretation and alternatives for the data. While some commentary is appropriate, to justify the next series of experiments and maintain a logical flow, this manuscript has rather a high amount of this. Some editing and shifting material to the discussion might be warranted.

We have reduced the commentary in the Results section.

Line 245: GluA2 homomers are really unlikely, as they won't pass current (unless unedited) and don't often if ever form. But GluA2/A3 heteromers are likely (and detected by their methods).

GluA2 homomers do conduct current, albeit less than heteromers (Swanson et al., 1997; Oh and Derkach, 2005; Coombs et al., 2019). [The Oh and Derkach paper shows a GluA2 homomer current in Supplementary Figure 3]. We have modified the text to acknowledge that the GluA2 receptor imaging will detect heteromers and homomers (Results, new lines 214 to 215).

Line 258: If the number of synaptic pairs analyzed was usually <20, what was the average and range of pairs? This gets into the sampling issue.

We have added the average number of synaptic sites (20.4 ± 6.5) and range (11-38) to the text, Results, new line 229.

Are the stats of the baseline mEPSC amplitude and frequency shifts (WT vs KO on WT feeder layer) given somewhere (lines 398-402)? If not, please add them.

These stats have been added to the text, mEPSC amplitude, (CON, WT on WT, 13.3 ± 0.5 pA; CON, KO on WT, 15.2 ± 1.1 pA, p = 0.23, Kruskal-Wallis test), new lines 325-326 and frequency, (CON, WT on WT, 2.54 ± 0.57 sec-1; CON, KO on WT, 4.46 ± 1.21 sec-1, p = 0.23, Kruskal-Wallis test), new lines, 329-330.

25mM K+ is going to be much more than 'mildly' depolarizing (line 697). Should just skip that word.

‘mildly’ has been removed.

The section on MiniAnalysis seems overly argumentative, and there is no need to discuss flaws in the Wu paper. The important thing (a bit buried at the end of this section) is that the manual mini selection was done blind to condition, which is the normal way of dealing with potential bias. It would be better to limit the methods to describing what was done.

The bulk of the justification of manual analysis has been removed from the text.

The discussion of potential conductance changes (lines 534-6) seems somewhat unwarranted.

Modification of GluA1 phosphorylation in the GluA1/A2 heteromer would not be detected by NASPM (and the NASPM data being a bit inconclusive anyway). Further, auxiliary subunits (like TARPs) can alter conductance of any of the AMPARs. So I don't think they have enough data to exclude such a possibility.

The discussion of contributions of conductance have been removed from the text.

Coombs ID, Soto D, McGee TP, Gold MG, Farrant M, Cull-Candy SG (2019) Homomeric GluA2(R) AMPA receptors can conduct when desensitized. Nat Commun 10:4312.

Oh MC, Derkach VA (2005) Dominant role of the GluR2 subunit in regulation of AMPA receptors by CaMKII. Nat Neurosci 8:853-854.

Swanson GT, Kamboj SK, Cull-Candy SG (1997) Single-channel properties of recombinant AMPA receptors depend on RNA editing, splice variation, and subunit composition. J Neurosci 17:5869.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation