Mouse behavior after massive M/T cells ablation.
A. Olfactory performance of Tbx (n=12), Tbx::DTA (n=13), and Tbx::iDTR (n=11) mice in a go/no go paradigm to investigate their odor detection ability. Decreasing cineole concentrations were presented each experimental day. Dots represent the mean percentage of accuracy responses in a single day. Accuracy lower than 80% was considered as a deficit in olfactory detection. Tbx::DTA and Tbx::iDTR mice successfully performed odor detection with concentrations of cineole as low as 0.05%, but failed when the concentration of odorant was further reduced. Control mice (Tbx) successfully detected cineole at all concentrations tested (up to 0.001%).
B. Odor discrimination experiment exposing mice to increasing binary mixtures of cineole and eugenol (left) and (+)-carvone and (−)-carvone odors (right). Both experimental mice (Tbx::DTA and Tbx::iDTR) could successfully detect cineole and eugenol when they were presented as individual odors, or with 80/20 mixtures. However, they failed when mixtures of cineole::eugenol were 55/45. However, Tbx::iDTR mice discriminated between (+)-carvone and (−)-carvone odors presented individually, but not when odor mixtures were presented. Tbx::DTA could not discriminate between (+)-carvone and (−)-carvone even when they were presented as individual odors.
C. Tbx::DTA and Tbx::iDTR males mated with wt females with a much lower frequency (Tbx::DTA=16.67%; n=12; and Tbx::iDTR=63.63%; n=11) compared to control males (90.91%; n=11).
D. In a resident/intruder paradigm, then the resident and intruder were both wt male mice, the resident started a fight in >90% of the tests. When the resident was a wild type male they fought in 33.33% of the cases if the intruder was a Tbx::DTA male (n=9) or 28,57% if the intruder was a Tbx::iDTR male (n=7). When the residents were Tbx::DTA (perinatal cell ablation) or Tbx::iDTR (cell ablation at P60) males, they did not fight when the intruder was a male with the same genotype or a wild type male mouse.
E. Quantification of M/T cells in the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) in Tbx, Tbx::DTA, and Tbx::iDTR showed that only 1,6 % of M/T cells remained (30 ± 7, average ± S.E.M.; n=5) in Tbx::DTA mice and 16,6% in Tbx::iDTR (315 ± 35; n=3) compared to wt Tbx mice (1,900 ± 119; n=3).