Alpha and broadband pRFs.
For visualization purposes, each electrode was plotted only once, with the V1–V3 or dorsolateral group, even though the probabilistic assignment could have non-zero weights for both groups of maps. (We plot the electrodes with the cluster that has higher probability). (a) pRF locations in V1–V3 displayed for each electrode, as in Figure 3. (b) pRFs in V1–V3 were normalized by rotation (subtracting the broadband pRF polar angle from both the broadband and alpha pRF) and then scaling (dividing the eccentricity and size of both pRFs by the broadband pRF eccentricity). This puts the broadband pRF center at (0,1) for all electrodes, indicated by an ‘x’. Within this normalized space, the average pRF across electrodes was computed 5,000 times (bootstrapping across electrodes). 100 of these averages are indicated as dotted lines, and the average across all 5,000 bootstraps is indicated as a solid line. (c,d) Same as A and B but for dorsolateral electrodes. See makeFigure4.m.