Precise Spatial Tuning of Visually Driven Alpha Oscillations in Human Visual Cortex

  1. Department of Psychology, New York University, New York, NY, USA
  2. Video & Image Sense Lab, Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  3. University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
  4. New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.

Read more about eLife’s peer review process.


  • Reviewing Editor
    Huan Luo
    Peking University, Beijing, China
  • Senior Editor
    Joshua Gold
    University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

In this study, the authors build upon previous research that utilized non-invasive EEG and MEG by analyzing intracranial human ECoG data with high spatial resolution. They employed a receptive field mapping task to infer the retinotopic organization of the human visual system. The results present compelling evidence that the spatial distribution of human alpha oscillations is highly specific and functionally relevant, as it provides information about the position of a stimulus within the visual field.

Using state-of-the-art modeling approaches, the authors not only strengthen the existing evidence for the spatial specificity of the human dominant rhythm but also provide new quantification of its functional utility, specifically in terms of the size of the receptive field relative to the one estimated based on broad band activity.

The present manuscript currently omits the complementary view that the retinotopic map of the visual system might be related to eye movement control. Previous research in non-human primates using microelectrode stimulation has clearly shown that neuronal circuits in the visual system possess motor properties (e.g. Schiller and Styker 1972, Schiller and Tehovnik 2001). More recent work utilizing Utah arrays, receptive field mapping, and electrical stimulation further supports this perspective, demonstrating that the retinotopic map functions as a motor map. In other words, neurons within a specific area responding to a particular stimulus location also trigger eye movements towards that location when electrically stimulated (e.g. Chen et al. 2020).

Similarly, recent studies in humans have established a link between the retinotopic variation of human alpha oscillations and eye movements (e.g., Quax et al. 2019, Popov et al. 2021, Celli et al. 2022, Liu et al. 2023, Popov et al. 2023). Therefore, it would be valuable to discuss and acknowledge this complementary perspective on the functional relevance of the presented evidence in the discussion section.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

In this work, Yuasa et al. aimed to study the spatial resolution of modulations in alpha frequency oscillations (~10Hz) within the human occipital lobe. Specifically, the authors examined the receptive field (RF) tuning properties of alpha oscillations, using retinotopic mapping and invasive electroencephalogram (iEEG) recordings. The authors employ established approaches for population RF mapping, together with a careful approach to isolating and dissociating overlapping, but distinct, activities in the frequency domain. Whereby, the authors dissociate genuine changes in alpha oscillation amplitude from other superimposed changes occurring over a broadband range of the power spectrum. Together, the authors used this approach to test how spatially tuned estimated RFs were when based on alpha range activity, vs. broadband activities (focused on 70-180Hz). Consistent with a large body of work, the authors report clear evidence of spatially precise RFs based on changes in alpha range activity. However, the size of these RFs were far larger than those reliably estimated using broadband range activity at the same recording site. Overall, the work reflects a rigorous approach to a previously examined question, for which improved characterization leads to improved consistency in findings and some advance of prior work.

Overall, the authors take a careful and well-motivated approach to data analyses. The authors successfully test a clear question with a rigorous approach and provide strong supportive findings. Firstly, well-established methods are used for modeling population RFs. Secondly, the authors employ contemporary methods for dissociating unique changes in alpha power from superimposed and concomitant broadband frequency range changes. This is an important confound in estimating changes in alpha power not employed in prior studies. The authors show this approach produces more consistent and robust findings than standard band-filtering approaches. As noted below, this approach may also account for more subtle differences when compared to prior work studying similar effects.

-Theoretical framing: The authors frame their study as testing between two alternative views on the organization, and putative functions, of occipital alpha oscillations: i) alpha oscillation amplitude reflects broad shifts in arousal state, with large spatial coherence and uniformity across cortex; ii) alpha oscillation amplitude reflects more specific perceptual processes and can be modulated at local spatial scales. However, in the introduction this framing seems mostly focused on comparing some of the first observations of alpha with more contemporary observations. Therefore, I read their introduction to more reflect the progress in studying alpha oscillations from Berger's initial observations to the present. I am not aware of a modern alternative in the literature that posits alpha to lack spatially specific modulations. I also note this framing isn't particularly returned to in the discussion. A second important variable here is the spatial scale of measurement. It follows that EEG based studies will capture changes in alpha activity up to the limits of spatial resolution of the method (i.e. limited in ability to map RFs). This methodological distinction isn't as clearly mentioned in the introduction, but is part of the author's motivation. Finally, as noted below, there are several studies in the literature specifically addressing the authors question, but they are not discussed in the introduction.

-Prior studies: There are important findings in the literature preceding the author's work that are not sufficiently highlighted or cited. In general terms, the spatio-temporal properties of the EEG/iEEG spectrum are well known (i.e. that changes in high frequency activity are more focal than changes in lower frequencies). Therefore, the observations of spatially larger RFs for alpha activities is highly predicted. Specifically, prior work has examined the impact of using different frequency ranges to estimate RF properties, for example ECoG studies in the macaque by Takura et al. NeuroImage (2016) [PubMed: 26363347], as well as prior ECoG work by the author's team of collaborators (Harvey et al., NeuroImage (2013) [PubMed: 23085107]), as well as more recent findings from other groups (Luo et al., (2022) BioRxiv: Also, a related literature exists for invasively examining RF mapping in the time-voltage domain, which provides some insight into the author's findings (as this signal will be dominated by low-frequency effects). The authors should provide a more modern framing of our current understanding of the spatial organization of the EEG/iEEG spectrum, including prior studies examining these properties within the context of visual cortex and RF mapping. Finally, I do note that the author's approach to these questions do reflect an important test of prior findings, via an improved approach to RF characterization and iEEG frequency isolation, which suggests some important differences with prior work.

-Statistical testing: The authors employ many important controls in their processing of data. However, for many results there is only a qualitative description or summary metric. It appears very little statistical testing was performed to establish reported differences. Related to this point, the iEEG data is highly nested, with multiple electrodes (observations) coming from each subject, how was this nesting addressed to avoid bias?

Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

This study tackles the important subject of sensory driven suppression of alpha oscillations using a unique intracranial dataset in human patients. Using a model-based approach to separate changes in alpha oscillations from broadband power changes, the authors try to demonstrate that alpha suppression is spatially tuned, with similar center location as high broadband power changes, but much larger receptive field. They also point to interesting differences between low-order (V1-V3) and higher-order (dorsolateral) visual cortex. While I find some of the methodology convincing, I also find significant parts of the data analysis, statistics and their presentation incomplete. Thus, I find that some of the main claims are not sufficiently supported. If these aspects could be improved upon, this study could potentially serve as an important contribution to the literature with implications for invasive and non-invasive electrophysiological studies in humans.

The study utilizes a unique dataset (ECOG & high-density ECOG) to elucidate an important phenomenon of visually driven alpha suppression. The central question is important and the general approach is sound. The manuscript is clearly written and the methods are generally described transparently (and with reference to the corresponding code used to generate them). The model-based approach for separating alpha from broadband power changes is especially convincing and well-motivated. The link to exogenous attention behavioral findings (figure 8) is also very interesting. Overall, the main claims are potentially important, but they need to be further substantiated (see weaknesses).

I have three major concerns:
1. Low N / no single subject results/statistics: The crucial results of Figure 4,5 hang on 53 electrodes from four patients (Table 2). Almost half of these electrodes (25/53) are from a single subject. Data and statistical analysis seem to just pool all electrodes, as if these were statistically independent, and without taking into account subject-specific variability. The mean effect per each patient was not described in text or presented in figures. Therefore, it is impossible to know if the results could be skewed by a single unrepresentative patient. This is crucial for readers to be able to assess the robustness of the results. N of subjects should also be explicitly specified next to each result.

2. Separation between V1-V3 and dorsolateral electrodes: Out of 53 electrodes, 27 were doubly assigned as both V1-V3 and dorsolateral (Table 2, Figures 4,5). That means that out of 35 V1-V3 electrodes, 27 might actually be dorsolateral. This problem is exasperated by the low N. for example all the 20 electrodes in patient 8 assigned as V1-V3 might as well be dorsolateral. This double assignment didn't make sense to me and I wasn't convinced by the authors' reasoning. I think it needlessly inflates the N for comparing the two groups and casts doubts on the robustness of these analyses.

3. Alpha pRFs are larger than broadband pRFs: first, as broadband pRF models were on average better fit to the data than alpha pRF models (dark bars in Supp Fig 3. Top row), I wonder if this could entirely explain the larger Alpha pRF (i.e. worse fits lead to larger pRFs). There was no anlaysis to rule out this possibility. Second, examining closely the entire 2.4 section there wasn't any formal statistical test to back up any of the claims (not a single p-value is mentioned). It is crucial in my opinion to support each of the main claims of the paper with formal statistical testing.

While I judge these issues as crucial, I can also appreciate the considerable effort and thoughtfulness that went into this study. I think that addressing these concerns will substantially raise the confidence of the readership in the study's findings, which are potentially important and interesting.

Author response

We appreciate the responses from the editors and reviewers and will submit a revised manuscript addressing all of the main points raised. We are glad to see broad agreement that we took a careful approach and addressed a clear question.

There were questions raised about the framing of the study vis-à-vis prior literature. One question was whether low frequency signals always have larger point spread functions, thereby making our result unsurprising. A second question was whether the notion of alpha oscillations as having wide-spread coherence and relating to system-general states was out-of-date. We appreciate these comments and agree that they could use further discussion. Our view is that neither of these points weakens the study, but our framing could be clearer regarding these two important issues. We will improve discussion of these topics in the revision.

A second criticism mentioned by two reviewers is the lack of null-hypothesis testing. The value of null hypothesis statistical testing (NHST) in biomedicine is hotly debated, with many statisticians and scientists arguing that NHSTs add little to no value (Gigerenzer & Marewski, 2015; McShane et al., 2019; Meehl, 1978). Others of course disagree (Mogie, 2004). Our goal was not to try to rule out null hypotheses, but rather to make systematic measurements and to report the reliable patterns. We generally focused on observations where the results were well above the noise, obviating the need to test the null. Nonetheless, we can (and will) improve the clarity of our arguments in terms of how we rely on specific statistical analyses to support particular conclusions, as well as how to deal with the issue of multiple electrodes coming from small numbers of subjects, an important point raised by R3. We will clarify these issues in the revision.

Reviewer 1 also made an interesting point about visual maps having an oculomotor component. We will do our best to incorporate this interesting issue into our revision.

In addition to the public review, the reviewers made a number of useful recommendations for the revision. We appreciate these recommendations and will carefully consider each of them.

Gigerenzer, G., & Marewski, J. N. (2015). Surrogate science: The idol of a universal method for scientific inference. Journal of management, 41(2), 421-440.

McShane, B. B., Gal, D., Gelman, A., Robert, C., & Tackett, J. L. (2019). Abandon statistical significance. The American Statistician, 73(sup1), 235-245.

Meehl, P. E. (1978). Theoretical risks and tabular asterisks: Sir Karl, Sir Ronald, and the slow progress of soft psychology. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 46(4), 806-834.

Mogie, M. (2004). In support of null hypothesis significance testing. Proc Biol Sci, 271 Suppl 3(Suppl 3), S82-84.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation